Alcatraz was poetic

QIC: Crash

Date: 2023.02.11

PAX: Rudolph, Mountain Mama, Subfloor, Rubber Ducky, Adobe, Russell 2000, Drip, Drama Queen, Bullwinkle, Blago, Code Red, Ziggy Stardust, Cruiser, Van Gogh, Crash

This morning I woke to attend Supermax
Unable to ready in time to join the Pax
I drove in silently and began to get running
Put in a slow mile my pace really is stunning

Little do they know I spent last week in LA
Trying to succeed with a lot of piper to pay
The week was partly from hell with errors easy to spot
Failure: another way to say we learned a lot

Around 6:45 I felt things were looking up
A few PAX had gathered to set up shop
For the 7 am for which I was the Q
I should say YHC but we say it how we do

A couple PAX asked where I was (not to throw shade)
I could only explain that I was delayed
We stood in a circle, maybe some silently prayed
Then we said see you later to the PAX that was Suede

Sleeplessness catches up and I’d retired at 8
Sleep is funny, it’s something you can’t possibly backdate
The PAX rolled in picking up closer to seven
Before long 15 assembled like manna from heaven

I tried to hide to my total surprise
The largest group I’d ever led left me mentally immobilized
Anxiety is real don’t let them tell you it isn’t
Especially for a PAX that has recently arisen

Only one mistake on the mission and I think I got through the core
I believe I at least succeeded in not being a bore
There was music on tap all the hits from 88
I was 13 then much closer to the welter of weight

We did side straddles twenty, and imperial storm troopers
Abe Vigodas, Hillbillies, Arm Swirlies Cherry Pie thinks are super
Forward Arm Swirlies are clockwise looking left, and counter to the right
Just do them with good form and excessive delight

We finished warmup with stretches and Merkins for Drip
Merkins bookending the stretches, then we abandoned ship
Moseyed to the blocks and circled prematurely
Took advantage of the time to explain insecurely

Blockchain technology is the first order of the day
We line up and walk and each pax calls his own way
From the back rear pax mall walks peloton style
In the front the pax stops and calls to the rank and file

His chosen exercise using a block or without
He should do his best to avoid uncertainty or doubt
The pax called curls, overhead presses, and blockees
You might think some were getting a little bit cocky

There were merkins and lunge walks and pounders of pickles
Happy to say nothing that wasn’t worth a plugged nickel
Music failure occurred and we had to alternate
To a backup speaker with better sound and more weight

The pax moving along like Dasher to Blixen amassed
Rudolph carried the speaker and a block no one even had to ask
There was some strutting with blocks I’ll admit
Pax responsible may wish it beyond their remit

The near to last exercise Van Gogh stepped to the fore
And to no one’s surprise said ‘blocks down, hit the floor’
The PAX reluctantly block pushed across the lot and back
Yours truly YHC bringing up the back of the pack

The second half was three man grinders you’ll see
No one understood what they were doing, though til 7:43
Because YHC gave possibly the worst explanation ever
Of an exercise that should be a simple endeavor

After 5 minutes confusion and help from more senior PAX
The groups were off and doing their thing from the front to the back
On one side were five exercises arrayed
On the other another five presented for the dismayed

There were hammers American not from Mr. Thor
Plank Jacks, LBCs, Mountain Climbers galore
Freddie Mercs finished out exercises on the first side
To the other end of the parking lot the PAX were told to stride

There were merkins, which some know as push ups I’ve heard
Heels to heaven, squats, and some thought burpees absurd
Finishing out with shoulder taps was the plan
Pax finished close together, Adobe and I the anchor man

We carried our blocks back to the original spot
Where they originally resided, from whence they were brought
We stood in a circle and then without counting the reps
Did the following block things many involving biceps

Curls, skull crushers, and overhead presses
Upright rows until the natives got a little bit restless
Then perhaps jokingly Rudolph perhaps somewhat daringly
‘You won’t call blockees I’ll bet’ and even if so then sparingly

YHC obliged of course and indeed
I’m always happy to deliver in the PAX time of need
We did blockees until grunting was deemed particularly sufficient
Then one last and then held blocks overhead til beneficient

Returning the blocks we headed back to the start
Thought Mary easy and boring then had a change of heart
Did a break from my 1983 playlist flashback
Cued up ring of fire from the man in the black

Round the circle just a few minutes left we started with three
Merkins abounding from the third to first degree
There were PAX doing single clap merkins every time
One handed merkins by several of the PAX quite sublime

We finished with a flourish on time and upright
Glad to finish a bit looser after starting uptight
Counting off and naming fistbumps all around
Accolades and encouragement abound

Of all of the F’s of F3 I suppose if they were initially ordered
We attend for the first, then most appreciate the second which is bordered
By the third most important though a bit more inside
Joins the second and the first so they are all amplified


Announcements / COT / NMM

Blood drive next week
Link on Slack.
ROCC river oaks thanks for the pullup bars!

Prayers for Van Gogh M’s grandmother
Prayers for Code Red for healthy relationship with 2.0
Prayers for those affected by natural catastrophes in Turkey and Syria
Prayers for YHC cousin, her daughter, and her grandkids

6 for Supermax, Suede, Cruiser, Bullwinkle, Adobe, Rubber Ducky, Van Gogh

5 for the double down, Cruiser, Bullwinkle, Adobe, Rubber Ducky, Van Gogh

Gratitude to all the PAX who came out who have been with F3 longer or shorter, it was fantastic to have you all out today. Several comments about how it didn’t rain. YHC was surprised too!