A Rocky Start to the Day

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 1-19-23

PAX: Argyle, Pony Express, Doublewide, Wobegon, Ziggy Stardust, Giles (WB), Green Acres (WD, Q)

We got off to a rocky start to our day, in the best way!  Thursday the 19th was a balmy 54 degrees or so. Perfect for working out with friends. YHC barely made it on time and after a little chatter we got started with warmarama:  SSH, AV, Whirlies avec clap, deep squat stretch (of which Ziggy is undisputed Master…can drop it like it’s hot), CP arm circles F and Reverse, Y-flies, and MPhelps. All warmed up, quick stroll to parking lot in front of the school.

To get across the parking lot, might as well bear crawl for the first 2 sections, stopping for 10 merkins every 3 parking spaces. I think that was about 10 sets. Then legs for the last two sections; 10 jump squats every 3 spaces and lunge walking in between to the last island. Then another quick stroll to the rocks. Assembled in a circle and on to a circuit of 15 IC each of curls, skull crushers, WWII sit-ups, chest presses, low-flutter, BO rows, OH presses. Then repeated with 10 reps each and all done with rocks. To the wall for a 1 minute wall sit, then 1 minute BTW, then back to start for Mary. LBC’s, Rosalita’s, Mutton crunches, and started Huck merkins but TIME was called after two. 😅 (Thanks pax!)

YHC tried to deliver a brutal beatdown but this group just sailed through it with smiles. We did agree it was sufficient. Best I could hope for with this group of beasts.
Announcements include the F3 blood drive coming in Feb, the life-saving classes after Saturday workouts and that Pony has the Q for Purgatory this week. Prayers for YHC’s prostate cancer treatment and aging Mothers were offered by Pony Express.
Enjoyed the morning with some great HIM’s.