TIT with a deuce and a pair of 3

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 12-5-2022

PAX: Crash (RIRO), Drip, Airbag (WB), Rubber Ducky, Green Acres (SMISMO, WD)

A frosty Monday was perfect for this tough bunch to get in a good workout and some fellowship. Great to see Rubber Ducky getting after it, doing 3 F3 workouts plus some yoga each week for the last few weeks!  Crash ran in, Airbag, RD and Drip rolled up in plenty of time for a little chitchat, then MS and CP at 530, then we commenced with warmarama:  SSH, Imp Walkers, Abe V, CH squats, hold deep squat, Whirlies, Y-flies, M Phelps. Then to small hill at entrance to school for partner Dora (here’s when we had a deuce and pair of 3): 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s for ea group, running to road and back when not adding to total. Quick stroll to basketball court, bear crawl across, then to playground for 10 pull-ups, 25 merkins, 30 WWII’s. Another 10 pull-ups, to wall for Wall Ball Crawl (thank Greenspan for that one! 😅), 30 low flutter IC, 10 pull-ups, 30 dips, 30 LBC, 10 more pull-ups and back to start for Mary:  low Dolly, Mutton Crunch, and 5 Huckleberry merkins and Done! 😅

Enjoyed chatting with Rubber Ducky and Airbag during Dora jogging and hearing Drip and Crash doing the same.  RD got his name due to being a rower on crew at UNC-W. Part of their training was Saturday 1 mile pier-to-pier ocean swim, run back the mile on the beach, then repeat! 😵‍💫. Airbag (and Crash) do really interesting work with injury prevention, making our cars and sports and other things safer for everyone. Drip just crushed this workout, smiling all the way. We have a lot of HIM’s in our F3 family and I love opportunities for getting to know guys a little better.
Announcements: $5 and Jenn and Schlitz and his M both had babies over the weekend!!  Hooray and congratulations!🎉

Prayer for good decisions, helping others when we can, accepting help when we need it, remembering that others may be suffering or carrying unseen burdens, and help us to be the best husbands, sons, brothers, coworkers, and friends we can be.
Gentlemen, it was a pleasure. Crash, the keys probably fell out of my pocket at the wall. 😅