11’s! Not in Honor of Root Canal but he would have loved it. Because it the 11th month.

QIC: Bullwinkle

Date: 11/5/2022

PAX: Suede, Adobe, Subfloor, Code Red, Cruiser, Gretel, Q Bullwinkle.

YHC took on last minute Q at Alcatraz. Everything was announced on slack about what was going to happen, but some did not believe and others did not see the announcement. As promised 11 burpees was the warm up.
Two options were given, take a mile run or do 100 WW2. Everyone wanted to take the easier route, so 100 WW2 took place. After that we did half of a murph and did another 11 burpees. Finished our murph and did another 11 burpees. Once everyone was done with their murph and burpees, we all made our way to get some coupons. 100 curls were done, 50 overhead presses and 50 skull crushers were done. We finished that off with another 11 burpees. Time was come to an end, before we made our way back to the vehicles we bear crawled 100 yards. Break it up though with 25 WW2 into bear crawl then again another 25 WW2 into bear crawl. We finished our last bear crawl with low flutters.

Two Pax did a double Murph Gretel and Bullwinkle

DQ is doing a play, look at slack for more details.

No Prayer request.