Improvi-Q Substi-Q at TRQ

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 9-29-2022

PAX: Frostbite (WB), Ziggy Stardust, Argyle, Undertow, Green Acres (WD, Q)

A perfect Fall morning for workout with good friends. Time to start but Argyle still waiting in his car until we did SSH, but we fooled him and waited 30 seconds. All enjoyed a brief warmarama:  SSH, Imp Walkers, squats, down dog calf stretch, Cherry Pies forward and back, Michael Phelps, and Y flies. Then to brick planter for Box o’ Derkins: 10 derkins at each of 4 sides, walking on hands with feet moving along brick wall in between (thanks, Huck!  Always a crowd pleaser)

Then to parking lot in front of school:  5 jump squats then lunge walk 3 parking spaces, repeato all the way across lot. Then to rock pile: made use of grass circle as clock. Started at 3, 15 curls IC, then bear crawl and push rock (thanks Van Gogh! Another crowd pleaser) to 12. There we did 15 BO rows IC, then did 15 skull crushers IC while walking to 9 o’clock. There we did 15 LBC’s IC and 15 chest presses IC, then bear crawl and push rock to 6. Then 15 IC each of overhead presses and low flutter, then Cusack carry rock to 3. Repeated same trip with 10 IC of all and another episode of Rock Around the Clock with the Oldie done. Just enough time for a minute wall sit, then back to start for a little bit of Mary: American Hammer, low flutter, and Mutton crunches, and done.
Strong work by all. Argyle took us out with a beautiful prayer. For those folks looking for a Van Gogh beatdown, he’ll be here next week on Oct 6. See y’all then!