A lever and a fulcrum to move the Earth

QIC: Crash

Date: 9/17/2022

PAX: Palin, Ziggy Stardust, Boo Boo, Archimedes, Picnic Basket, Crash

The PAX assembled on a nice day for tennis court, track work.

Palin arrived followed by YHC. Ziggy showed up, and soon after an FNG invited by YHC walked up.

We started with the usual.


SSH, Abe Vigoda, IST, Hillbillies, Arm Swirly things each way and some Michael Phelps.

We went on the tennis court (gates are open) for a bit of the first round.

Something like:

Mosey to end of second court, bear crawl to end of third
Mosey back to end of 2nd court, crawl bear to end of third
Mosey to end of second court, crab walk to end of third
Mosey back to end of 2nd court, walk crab to end of third
Caraoke left all the way down and right all the way back
Side shuffle left all the way down and right all the way back

Repeato all of the above one more time, I think we got through all of that.

As we were finishing first round (rough timing) Boo Boo and Picnic Basket rolled up.

So we did 5 burpees in the middle of the above to celebrate their arrival.

Off to the track. 2 stations on each end of the straight hundred nearest the bridge.

The pax have a choice – do workout at station 1 and either mosey / walk 100 to other station, or run 300 the other direction to the other station. This gives those who need the breather or rehab, etc the chance to stay with group and walk. The PAX stayed together.

It was 9/17/22 and cardboards looked like this:

Station 2

9 Plank Jack
17 Flutter Kick
22 LBC
9 HR Merkins
17 H2H
22 Freddie Merc

Station 1

9 Burpees
17 Mt Climber
22 Shoulder Tap
9 WW2
17 Carolina Dry Dock
22 Squats

Start at Station 1, doing first exercise then move to station 2. At station 2, do all 6 exercises beginning to end. Then, add one exercise at station 1 each trip and subtract one exercise at station 2 (from the end) each trip. So, 7 exercises each “round” consisting of a trip to station 1 and 2.

We made it through about 5 rounds.

Fun was had by all.

I’d like to think it was a good intro for Archimedes, who asked us to go easy once or twice but he was doing just fine.

Palin and YHC took turns goading each other to run around the track, others alternated a bit more, Palin also goaded Archimedes to take a couple of trips.

The naming was fun. We debated different versions of similar themed names and ultimately settled on Archimedes. Someone asked “who said ‘give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I will move the earth'” and YHC believed that was Atlas, but turns out it actually was Archimedes.

A lot of good conversation and fellowship at this one. Great to see everyone.

Prayers for Giles’ wife & family!