Sunrise at Iron Throne

Sunrise at Iron Throne

QIC: Crash

Date: 2022/08/01

PAX: Green Acres, Ziggy Stardust, Schlitz, Cherry Pie, Crash

YHC first Iron throne back after missing a week due to a trip to Boston and missing a week due to COVID. Thanks for covering Green Acres & Burns for those weeks I was out.

Humid morning (as usual) after a lot of rain yesterday evening. Decided to stay on the concrete & asphalt.


20 Side Straddle Hop,
6 Abe Vidoga,
10 Imperial Storm Troopers,
10 Hillbillies,
5 burpees,
a couple hip/lower back stretches from the 6 position.


Around the island, exercise, mosey, x 3 rounds
station 1 10 burpees
station 2 20 shoulder tap double count
station 3 30 little baby crunches double count, no wait make that 30 freddie mercuries double count.
station 4 40 side straddle hop (2nd round merkins with green acres)

Mosey to blocks during 3rd round
block exercises (10 each time): curls, overhead press, upright row, skull crushers, incline press, swings
10 exercises =
10 burpees,
20 heels to heaven,
30 merkins,
40 Freddie mercs dc,
50 plank jacks,
60 monkey humpers
70-100 – there were things, we didn’t get to them.

Do first block exercise, then 10 burpees, then lap around parking lot
then next block exercise, then 10 burpees, 20 h2h, lap
and so on. after third round with upright rows, burpees, h2h, merkins,
mixed up for round 4.
skull crushers then 40 freddie mercs, lap.
incline press, 50 plank jacks, lap
swings, 60 monkey humpers, lap
put blocks up, mosey to start for Mary


20 penguin crunch IC
20 freddie mercs IC, DC
Ring of fire 3 merkins each, 2 merkins each, 1 merkin each




Shmed is at the end of August.


Prayers for Schlitz and his M who will find out sex of their baby tomorrow, prayers for health. And, prayers for Lamb Chop and his M who we are thinking about
Safe travels to Cherry Pie about to send his 2nd off to college, same with YHC’s first at the end of the month. Safe travels for their daughter who is returning after a summer in Spain, prayers for family time together over the next few weeks.
Prayers for those who have been or are about to become empty nesters or who are emptying the nest sending their first off to school (YHC). It’s exciting and difficult at the same time. We pray for our kids & young adults making their way in world. Prayers for cherry pie and ziggy stardust and their book projects.


Great to have everyone out this morning. YHC is not contagious, but recovering from COVID and every workout feels like a sufferfest the last half a week. Luckily there were burpees on the menu for cherry pie and YHC substracted the arm swirlies and michael phelps during warmup adding in a few burpees instead. Schlitz was out in front early for the parking lot laps, strong work. Green acres substituted merkins for side straddle hops the first few island rounds. What’s that about? YHC felt like a lesser man so we all did merkins on the 2nd trip around the island, but decided not again on the third. This workout was intended for the track but we stayed away from track and grass with all the rain last night. Strong work Ziggy! Found out Ziggy got the landscape block from pawtism fundraiser, one YHC’s daughter painted. A nice surprise on the way back – the way behind the school where we are normally jumping over dead potted plants, now has a stairway (wood frame with gravel / stone for steps). Very nice. Added 2 blocks to the pile today, the last 2 left over from Bevo’s fundraiser. Good mumblechatter today. Had originally planned another playlist but was feeling into lord huron this morning so played that. Thanks for coming out gentlemen.