Six-pack of Respect at TRQ

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 8-18-2022

PAX: D-Day (WB), Argyle, Yunus, Starfish, Superfly, Green Acres (WD)

A beautiful morning at Speas Elementary for TRQ. Five of us regulars joined by Yunus DR from Durham on Aug 18. We warmed up with the usual SSH, AV, Whirlies, Y-flies, and Michael Phelps. Then to the parking lot at school entrance for Merkin Madness:  10 merkins, bear crawl 2 parking spaces, 9 merkins, bear crawl 2 spaces, etc count down to 1. Then similar Lunge Lunacy:  10 squat jumps, lunge walk 2 spaces, 9 squat jumps, lunge walk 2 spaces etc down to 1 jump.
Then to the rock pile. Staying together since we had a small group, we used the big circle of grass as a clockface. Started at 6 o’clock with 8 burpees, then walked to 9 o’clock while doing 15 curls, then 12 chest press, then walked to 12 o’clock doing 15 skull crushers, then 55 LBC’s, then to 3 o’clock doing 15 curls, then 19 squats, then back to 6 doing 15 skull crushers and repeato. Then for 3rd and 4th rounds, kept the same exercises during travel, but changed stations to 8 ea side rock merkins at 6, 12 bent rows at 9, 55 low flutter at 12, and 19 lunges at 3. Then to the wall for 1 minute wall sit, then 1 minute BTW, then back to start. Not wearing a time telling thing so started 1 minute late but also finished 1 minute late, so all was well.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the war daddy post-birthday workout and I heard no complaints. D-Day was WB at 50. Don’t think he broke a sweat. Starfish cruised through the workout with (I think) the biggest rock and was usually leading the pax around the clock. Yunus didn’t seem fazed by any of my nonsense either. Argyle powered through as usual but with an occasional grunt of disapproval of my exercise selections, and Superfly quietly moved along smoothly and efficiently. A great bunch of HIM’s to spend the morning with. YHC shared during COT that I was getting an elevated PSA checked out by urology and hopefully nothing to worry about. Others shared worries about aging parents, and kids starting back to school and going to college.  A prayer was offered for all these things and hopes that we will help and make an impact with neighbors, friends, and coworkers when we can and be the best husbands, fathers, brothers, and friends we can be.

It was a pleasure to lead.

announcements:  Shmedfest coming next weekend so run and/or donate, but especially donate for Crisis Control.