UA is UberAmazing

QIC: Transcript

Date: 07/15/2022

PAX: Crash, Chowdah, Gretel, Schlitz, Drip, Airbag, and Frostbite

Warmarama:  SSH, Hillbillies, Abe V, Stretching hamstrings, downward dog then updawg, piriformis stretching in sitting and so on and so forth.


THE THANG: (loosely copied from a Dr Toot beatdown from this past winter)

Mosey to E 5th to R on Research Pkwy (howdy OGs!) and 20 squats, to the R on 4th for 20 jump squats, then on up to the parking lot for a DORA: 100 merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC while running to Blue Light.

Long Creek Trail for a Waterfall by the Cell Tower.  Static hold Al Gore, 10 sec count then move to Plank, back to Al Gore, to Side plank x2.  Was getting close to Mary time, so we stayed there and did 20 merkins.  Continued with 20 DC Promdates and that’s when the birds got interested in us, flew to the cell tower and became perfectly spaced.  When would their “bombing” campaign begin?  We got lucky, no bombs, and got to continue with 10 sec Single leg Hold while hips bridged, low and slow flutters.  Then, to a YHC favorite ARods (J-Lo <-> Pickle Pounder) x5 each direction.

Mosey back to start, continued Mary with mutton crunches, even more merkins, and it was 0615 in a flash.


Announcements: BLOOD DRIVE & PAWTISM – TOMORROW!  Sign Up and Donate!  There will be a raffle for Pawtism!!!

Prayer Requests: God knows our needs, but put in a little extra for Drip who will have his knee repaired via surgeon next week.  And for my coworker’s hubby, Doug McCorkle, and his family.

Much Love, F3 Fam!
