High School Throw Back

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 7/27/2022

PAX: Zuckerberg, Closer, Bluto, Interference, Lace, The Singing Cowboy, Data, Poncho, BAM, Cobra, Transcript, Chowdah, FNG Velour and several others who did not come through on my recording device!

Having never been to Bells and Whistles before (guys, you live so far away, how do you do it?!), I decided to dust off a previously done workout from our one and only Burns, and recycle what I deemed to be a brilliant piece of work.

Additionally, I don’t really listen to a whole lot of music. Therefore, I reached what back to my high school and middle school days and found music on my phone I haven’t listened to in almost 15 years.


20 SSH

15 Imperial Walkers

10 Whirly

15 Hill Billy

10 Abe Vigoda

And some Stretchy Stretch

The Thang

  • Goblet Squats
  • Curls
  • R leg lunge
  • L leg lunge
  • OH Press
  • LBCs
  • KB Swings
  • Chest Press
  • Dead Lift
  • American Hammers
  • Squat Thrusters
  • Bent over Row
  • Skull Crushers

Everyone partnered up and while one person did the exercise, the other ran around the traffic circle and then flip flopped.

Everyone got through the whole lot and we had 5 minutes for Mary. Here we did Mutton Crunch, LBC, Freddy Penguin, and some Low Dolly.

Prayer Requests

Lace’s son broke his clavicle trying to get out of the morning workout. Prayers for a speedy recover. Prayers for a continued healthy pregnancy for my wife. And prayers for marriages, they are not easy, but they are beautiful.



Let me be the first to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the morning, It was fantastic seeing old faces (COBRA! Where have you been in my life!), and meeting some new PAX as well. The music choice was questionable. It ranged from The Who, to Kanye, to Queen, to Daddy Yankee, to Hinder, to Cascada, to some Christian Rock. The site was great, other than having no lights to see anything! We had an FNG Velour who is an old coworker of mine. After not seeing him for about 3 years then randomly playing trivia with him Tuesday night, I casually mentioned he should join us Wednesday morning, he said where is it, I told the location, and he said he lived about a quarter mile from there and would join. What a pleasant surprise! This is a call to action to invite people constantly! You never know who might show up!


That is all, Atrophy, I left the keys under your Kettle Bell somewhere beneath the broken street light.


Lamp Chop