QIC: Mutton

Date: 06/23/2022

PAX: Mutton, Greenspan, Frostbite, Burns

4 brave souls for a sultry WIB work out at the Thruway Shopping Center.  YHC was a little disappointed with the numbers, but happy to see the 4 who showed.  Paging Cherry Pie, Drip, Off Sides, Palin…where was everyone?

Anyway, the workout went something like this.  After a very brief warm-a-rama, the Pax went right into the single station work out:

5 Burpess

10 Side Crunches

20 Mutton Crunches each side

25 Squates

30 Hillbillies (single count)

35 Erkins

Take a lap around one half of the Thruway and repeat, and add 5 burpees to the next round.

A total of 2+ miles was covered.  The 35 Erkins was tougher than I thought.  Derkins would not have worked.

Announcements:  Schmedfest 8/23.  Don;t forget to make a donation!

COT:  Prayers for all those travelling over the holidays.  Don’t let Covid fatigue and the war in the Ukraine be forgotten.