Humid hills and multiples of 6

QIC: Sea-Man

Date: 6/14/22

PAX: Drama Queen, Boomerang, Schneider, 60 Minutes, Subfloor, Sea-Man

Waiting to see if we would have typical Parliament numbers but with Ziggy out the carpool van didn’t show so 6 settled in for a humid warmarama:


SSH x 20

Abe Vigoda x 6

Pretzel Stretch 5 seconds each side x 2

Hillbillies x 20

Arm Swirleys front/back x 16 each

Overhead clap x 15

Michael Phelps x 10

The Thang:

Karaoke to wall flap jacking half way, wall sits, fast feet x 20 in cadence, rebound drill x 20 in cadence

Apollo Creed back to blocks and select a block and walk down to basketball court.

The following was repeated with the following reps 6, 12, 18, 12, 6

  • Curls
  • OH Press
  • Kettle Bell Swings
  • Bench Press
  • Skull Crushers

Karaoke or Apollo Creed across basketball court

3 burpees and then walk across playground and bear crawl up hill – repeato with next rep set

After all 5 rounds we went to the track and completed a lap of continuous movement (Apollo Creed, Karaoke, Back pedaling, skipping). Took blocks back and were out of time.

Announcements: Schmedfest coming end of August, July 4th convergence

Prayer requests: DQ has a first cousin whose spouse passed away Mary Evelyn, bless the family. Flopper at JROTC camp in SC

YHC took us out.

Always a pleasure working with these men. Two double respects in our midst with DQ & Boomerang reminding us how it is done. Subfloor is a hard worker and never complains and gets after it every time. Old reliable Schneider is present and must hold a record for number of posts as he is consistent 5 days a week and always works hard. Good to see 60 Minutes out and bringing it on a humid Tuesday.

Always a pleasure,


Chris Cornett