A Boring WIB

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 6/30/2022

PAX: Greenspan, Spicoli Frostbite, Work Bench, Huckleberry, HOG, Crash, Turnover, Lamb Chop

I think we can all agree, WIB ranks just above all of the running workouts, which means, its kind of boring…but anywho, I was chosen to lead, thus I did.



20 SSH, 10 Whirly, 15 Imperial Walker, 6 Abe Vigoda, 15 Hill Billy, then some stretchy stretchy.

The Thang

The course was as follows. Start in front of Talbot’s and do 5 Burpees and 5 WMDs. Mosey to T-Mobile and do 5 Squat Jacks and 5 Lt. Dans. Mosey to Trader Joe’s and do 5 Mutton Crunches and 5 Freddy Penguins. Then mosey to SOHO and do 5 Shoulder Taps and 5 Plank Jacks. Lastly, mosey all the way around the parking lot by McDonald’s back to start. Talbot’s station stays the same but every other station you increase the reps by 5.

All in all we made it to 25 reps.


Prayers for the US and all that we are going through.


25 Lt. Dan’s is simply too many. Nobody really counted (except Huck) so we all just guestimated what to do. H.O.G. whom I have not seen in about a year was out in full force and essentially lapped us. We learned how Huck and Turnover met their significant others and boy do they have some good meet cutes (well not really).

Thanks for letting me pull together a boring workout.


Lamb Chop