2nd Successful Launch from The Launchpad

QIC: Transcript

Date: 06/20/2022

PAX: Van Gogh, Palin, Bam, Chowda, Skybridge, Burns, Greenspan

We succesfully established a great new AO at Oak Summit Park, #WeNoCo, #TheLaunchpad, and it’s got everything a growing F3Nation needs: a covered shelter with sturdy metal picnic tables, a quarter mile track with a field in the center, a baseball field, a steep hill, tennis courts (Site Q Burns’ Rule: BEAR CRAWL ACROSS THE BRIDGE leading to tennis courts), rockets, spaceships, a control tower with pretty lights, slides and swings and all kinds of fun things!  There’s probably more, but I don’t want to spoil it.  I urge everyone to post after the July 4th Convergence.  This was the 2nd post at The Launchpad, my 2nd Q, and I am looking forward to the future of The Launchpad.  Let’s get into it…

Chowda and I rode clown car style, and arrived early to see Bam coming in from a ruck for some EC.  We swept and cleaned the warm-a-rama/mary area to eliminate random gravel and any spent party paraphernalia.  There was a strange mustang parker in the shadows, Van Gogh thought better than to provide an EH.

530 started with Warm-A-Rama: In Cadence: 15 each of SSH, Imperial Walkers, Arm Swirlie Things forward and back, Jack Reachers, and Michael Phelps; 15 second Abe Vagoda, 15 Whirly with a Clap, 15 second hamstring stretch, and 15 second cross-over hamstring stretch with “Dangle”.  Expect a lot of fun reactions after saying “Dangle”.

Mini-Mosey to the back of my truck, maybe 10 steps, to pick up 3 American Flags for planting as markers for the Dora.  Then, The Real Mosey: past the Mustang, around a downed cedar tree to the 1/4 mile track, and plugged the flags into the field at approximately 15, 25, and 35 yard intervals before we started 4 Corners with 10 Merkins –> Karaoke run with 10 merkins and 15 squats –> Retro Run 100 yards with 10 Merkins, 15 Squats, and 20 Plank Jacks –> Karaoke Run with 10 Merkins, 15 Squats, 20 Plank Jacks, and 25 hastily-decided-upon Mountain Climbers –> The Usain Bolt Mosey 100 yard sprint to the beginning for Dora: 100 Merkins, 150 Squats, and 200 LBC with special fun added (Note* this is immediately met with complaints from PAX of “the field is wet”, and “Why? But, why?”, and random grumbles that YHC replied to with, “Modify as necessary”, and “Because I’m the Q.”   During Dora in ladder-form (which can be confusing for PAX) start to Bear-Crawl to the 1st flag and Crawl-Bear back.  Next, Forward Run to 2nd flag and Retro Run back.  Forward Run to 3rd flag and Forward Run back.  Follow that with Forward-Retro to 2nd flag, Bear Crawl – Crawl Bear to 1st flag, then Rinse and Repeat until Dora is complete.

Uphill Mosey around the track to the picnic table shelter for 7 Layer Dip: 15 of everything: OYO: in dip position for Step Outs, DIPS, Cross-over hip flex, DIPS, Erkins, DIPS, in Erkin-form for burpee-esque jumps, DIPS, Parker Peters, DIPS, Peter Parkers, DIPS, Step up R Leg, DIPS, Step up L Leg, DIPS.

Back to Start for MARY: in cadence: 15 Alabama Prom Dates (Burns said call them Davie County Prom Dates, but that’s where I’m from, and I don’t disagree as he is Site Q, but I renamed them Davidson County Prom Dates), 15 Mutton Crunches, and ended with splendid OYO Arods (according to the F3 Exicon, it is a combination of JLos <-> Pickle Pounders) and drew the expected reaction of humor followed by complaints of soreness to hip areas, which led to several rearks from PAX along the lines of “JLo wouldn’t have any problem doing these”, to, “Hey, Shakira is newly single.  I think we should get her number to Chowda.”

Number-rama: Van Gogh, Palin, BAM, Chowda, Skybridge, Burns, Greenspan, and YHC Transcript

Announcements: Shmedfest 5k price has gone up to $35, all proceeds go to Crisis Control Ministries.  There’s a Blood Drive in July.  BAM has the Q at Redline Tuesday 6/21.  YHC has the Q at Bells N Whistles Wednesday 6/22.

I totally boofed, and did not ask for prayer requests, rather, ended with a simple COT.