A Pleasant Morning at The Iron Throne

QIC: Sassy

Date: 06/20/2022

PAX: Crash, Green Acres, Drip, Frostbite

YHC arrived at The Iron Throne to find unseasonably cool temperatures and welcomed the change from the furnace of the past couple weeks. The PAX rolled in on foot and by motor vehicle and it was time to get the party started.

SSH x15 IC
Copperhead Squats x10 IC
Abe Vigoda x8 IC
Whirly w clap x15 IC
Toy Soldier x10 IC

The Thang
Mosey aimlessly, so the PAX were thinking, down the hill to the soccer fields only to make a left turn and make our way to the blacktop basketball court. The theme of the day was to do Mini Individual Doras instead of partnering up. Instead of 100-200-300, we’d go 50-100-150 (or Omaha down at times).

1st Round
50 Mountain Climbers (each leg)
100 SSHs
150 Fast Feet
Between each exercise, lunge walk across court and back

Short mosey to back parking lot at traffic cones

2nd Round
50 Merkins
100 Imperial Squat Walkers (crowd pleaser)
150 LBCs
Apollo Creed between each exercise

Mosey around to side parking lot

3rd Round
50 WWIIs (Omaha to 40 after the 150 LBCs)
100 Plank Jacks
150 Alternating Shoulder Taps (Omaha to 100)
Carioca between each exercise

Mosey around building back home for Mary

Mutton Crunch x15 IC each side
Penguin Crunch x15 IC
Low Flutter x15 IC
Box Cutters x10 IC

Announcements/Prayer Requests
Frostbite’s house renovation is nearly complete. A praise that they soon can finally enjoy their home.

YHC’s dad is hopefully being discharged from the hospital today.

YHC took us out.