Workout in a Box or a Bag

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 5/5/2022

PAX: Workbench, Frostbite, Mutton, Snooki, Huckleberry, Turnover, Hansel, Spicoli

WIB!  Great concept.  Simple, repeatable instructions, often done at one’s pace.

Frostbite is first to arrive and after me, the rest assemble.

YHC welcomes everyone to WIB: Workout in a Box.  @Turnover and @Huckleberry both correct me saying “I think it’s Workout in a Bag?”.  Thanks Mr. Jerkfaces.  My whole theme for 5/5 was square shaped so we’ll just agree that it’s WIB(ox)/B(ag)/I(ndeterminate)C(ontainer)S(hape).  WIICS from now on!


Ssh, IW, Abe Vigoda, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Squats

** In the midst of our warmups, running from across the parking lot comes Snooki **


Mosey to the parking lot in front of Talbot’s

Simple plan:

4 spots around lot, 5 exercises:

5 burpees

10 merkins

15 Freddy mercs

10 squats

5 donkey kicks

Upon returning to the start, increase each exercise by 5.  Immediate dissention.  Sorry fellas.  It’s what I wrote down so it must be a great idea, right?

*** Omaha: after the first round, got rid of the 4th stop. YHC thought the distance between stations would be longer (aka recovery).

After 3 full rounds, return to the start for MOM

Penguin Crunches, Circle Merk where everyone did 11. ELEVEN!



  • ROCC 5k
  • Schmedfest 5k in August


  • Pretty sure Snooki came running from McDonald’s where he was about to eat his third Egg McMuffin but remembered there was a workout across the parking lot.
  • Turnover and Huck were out front, but Snooki accelerated throughout the workout and overtook them including running behind the building to beat everyone back in the end.  Wish that guy was in better shape…
  • Workbench started doing some math in his head intimating it might take him 15 minutes to do 15 burpees, yet he prevailed and crushed it.
  • Mutton headed to his car for a moment after the second round.  YHC was concerned it was #OperationGIDistress but he rejoined us with no complaints
  • Hansel was nothing but positive throughout the workout.  Inspirational to see a new guy take things in stride and excel.
  • Frostbite is a man of few words but slogged through.  The frequent stops and higher reps didn’t deter him
  • The discussion after the 3rd round about foods to have before bed was important (2nd F).  Apparently Huckleberry discussed the error of eating raisin bran last night and failing to leave it at home before WIB.  LEAVE YOUR TOYS AT HOME, KIDS!
  • YHC removed the Fourth station after the 1st time through to give more of a running break. Not sure that was better or worse. Guess we’ll figure that out on my next Q of WIB…


Thanks for the keys @root_canal

Keep up the rehab!