RnG 4.4.22

QIC: Turnover

Date: 4.4.22

PAX: Mongoose , Balco , 'Bout Time , Juice Box , Boo Boo , Burlap (WD) , Silent Bob (WB) , Hedwig , HOG , Zima , Turnover (Q)

The Run portion of the morning featured a nice loop around old Sherwood that included some nice declines to start and finished with an uphill push to the finish. The highlights of which for YHC were watching @Hedwig and @SilentBob blow by me at an unsafe pace on their way to the front of the pack within a 1/4 mile of starting, and then later seeing @JuiceBox and @’BoutTime blow by me again on our saunter down Archer.

The Gun portion of the beatdown featured mid-2000’s punk rock jams (shout out New Found Glory and Paramore) and zero leg-centric exercises. They went down as follows:

Merkins x LBCs

Carolina Dry Docks x Freddie Mercs

Wide Merkins x WW2s

We got through 4 rounds of each pairing and time was called.


No Announcements or Prayer Requests

YHC took us out thanking Him for our blessings and the fellowship


As stated above, @Hedwig quite literally bumped me out of the way as he and @Silent Bob set a blistering pace not long after we launched as a group. #FrontRunner

@HOG was doing @HOG things and ran the route once before anyone even showed up. He then proceeded to leave YHC in his dust on his second lap.

@Zima RIRO’d which probably put his total mileage for the morning somewhere in the 9-10 mile neighborhood. Unreal.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: @Mongoose and @Balco led the way all morning, as is their custom.

@Burlap and @BooBoo were inseparable as usual.

Was great seeing and catching up with @HOG for the first time in a long time. Big takeaway from our conversation is that he’s not much of a farmer and his neighbors aren’t afraid to tell him about it.

YHC shared with the assembled PAX that I intended to put together a playlist of songs with a theme around “Good Riddance” or “Don’t let the door hit ya..” or “Nobody is going to miss you”. There were plenty of good candidates, but the thought came to me too late so we rolled with the pre-assembled “Turnover’s High School Punk Rock Jammzzz”. Why that particular theme you ask? Oh..no reason. #RIPdook #RIPCoachK #GTHD

Always an honor to lead. Thanks to those who posted. Thanks for the keys, @Closer. I think they fell into a drain on Chester where @Hedwig bowled me over.