I’m not your Huckleberry at IS

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 4/23/2022

PAX: Ziggy Stardust (War Daddy), Lambchop (War Baby), FNG Belly Breath, Boo Boo, Spicoli

The Iron Horse we call @Huckleberry had to bow out of his Q responsibility for #ImpossibleSituation to attend a special Furry Convention.  No one could blame him but with no volunteers (assuming many other PAX were attending the same convention), YHC threw his headband in the ring.

A mass text was sent to coax PAX to attend the workout even with the promise of #OldManCoffee should no one show up (Thanks @Drip).

When YHC arrived 2 were in the parking lot and one on the way so we opted for working out and not just getting coffee…

Warmerama IC:

Ssh, squats, merkins, hip stretches, broga

Mosey to the base of the Intimidator

Circle up and do Howling monkeys with monkey humpers then with merkins.  We went around 3 times doing 5 reps each.  @Ziggy told me that was incorrect and that we should have counted down.  I know for next time.

  • Burpee trips up the Intimidator

Run to 1st stop, do 11 burpees, back down do:

* 20 merkins;

* 20 sumo squats;

* 20 Freddy mercuries

*** At this point, a random dude comes walking up and I ask him to join.  He does.  Eduardo FNG soon to be named Belly Breath ***

One more trip up Intimidator and * 20 squats at the bottom


  • Mosey to track: 4 corners

5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 low flutters at each corner, staying together as a group


Mosey back to the playground:

Swing set Lat pulls 10, 15, 20, then run a lap x3




  • Schmedfest 5k coming up in August
  • ROC 5k in a couple weeks

Lambchop stepped up and took us out with prayers of healing, being willing to reach out to those around us, and continue to be lights and inspiration to the community around us.



  • YHC can neither confirm nor deny the total length of the workout as he had no watch but all were ready to be done when we finished.
  • Belly Breath is from Monterey area of Mexico and visiting on business.  He had been working out in the park and was finished but when invited he joined up.  He really liked the group and the concept of community leadership, mentioning he could see the F3 framework being put to use in his city. #HIM
  • Lambchop’s jovial energy and friendliness helped to welcome Belly Breath, talking about work experiences and such. That’s invaluable in my book.
  • Ziggy was getting at it
  • Boo Boo and Pic-a-nic Basket are a solid team