QIC: Mutton

Date: 03/17/2022

PAX: Mutton, Starfish, Giles, Frostbite, Ziggy Stardust, Undertow, Green Acres, Wobegon

The day started with YHC pulling in on 2 wheels, late for his VQ at The Rock Quarry.  Fortunately, the PAX had circled up and had yet to choose a substi-Q for the morning.  We quickly proclaimed the F3 creed and began warm-a-rama with SSH, Imperial Walkers and Whirlies.

As this was my VQ, I confirmed with Burlap on the rules of the road before making my plans the prior evening.  Slow moseys are ok, otherwise no heavy running.

The Thang:

First station:  Lido Deck – after a slow mosey to the pool we began with our first Tabata.  We did the following 2 times.  30 seconds on, 15 seconds off:

Wide Merkins, Juanitas, Wide Squats, Low Flutters, Overhead Clap

Second Station:  Slow mosey back to the parking lot shelter for round 2.

Hand Release Merkins, Mutton Crunch right, Mutton Crunch left, Side Squat right, Side Squat left.  Times 2

3rd station:  Slow mosey to the rock pile.

Curls, Overhead Press, Standing Rows, Skull Crushers, Goblet Squats.  Times 3

4th station:  Slow mosey back to the parking lot shelter for 2 minutes of Mary

After a rocky start arriving late, YHC quickly recovered and the rest of the workout.  Tunes were finally provided as well by station # 2.

It was great to be with so many “Repects” and great to see Giles again.  YHC needs to do a better job attending other AOs to see different members of the PAX more frequently.

YGC took you out encouraging the group to have the courage and faith to do the right thing be at home, the office or with friends.  Thanks for the keys Green Acres!