The Perfect Storm

QIC: @woodpecker

Date: 3/12/22

PAX: @bluto ,@greenacres, @lemming, @burlap, @undertow, @spamalot, @bulldog, @f3 singing cowboy, #parkay, @woodpecker

10 PAX braved the elements on the fateful day of March 12, 2022.

Participants were directed to the central awning in front of Speas….where there was a few square feet of dry ground.

5 stations were set up. However, the torrential wind caused the paper signage/teleprompts to blow around the staging ground. PAX soon improvised and went on the search for sticks to act as paper weights. We were all hoping the paper and the sticks would combust and bring some warmth.

PAX were told to start. Burlap complained and mentioned he didn’t hear any tunes yet. YHC reminded him he was working on it but his fingers were near frostbite.

Old Crowe Medicine Show was blasted across the speakers in our small huddle arrangement while members participated in the following

Station 1: Star Jacks, Sumo Squats, Bird dog crunch, flutter kicks
Station 2: Mountain Climbers, Shoulder Taps, Al Gore, Freddy Merkins
Station 3: Merkins, Donkey Kicks, Calf Raises, WW II
Station 4: Imperial Storm Troopers, Arm Circles, Alternating Lunges, Crab Cakes
Station 5: Seal Jacks, LBCs, Head – Shoulders – Knees – Toes, Russian Twists

3 minutes were set on a timer and all completed about 10 of each one of the above exercises.

After 1 round of the stations YHC gathered the group together, informed them we would run one lap of the parking lot to warm our hearts and souls…and then gathered back to share our feelings with each other. Upon reaching the return the PAX mumbled that they felt we ran backwards a half lap around the parking lot…and then forwards back to the awning.

We assembled ourselves into another round and YHC noted that he was lonely since he had no partner and there were only 9 of us. We consolidated our stations into 4 so that YHC could have a friend. We were about to start when we were delighted to see THE Singing Cowboy galloping into our midst. He let us know that the race he was planning to run was not for him and wished to join his comrades at Purgatory. We completed another round 0f 5 (not 4 stations) now that the Cowboy joined YHC.

After round 2 we were all saddened that our unexpected visitor did not get to compete in his race….so we ran another lap around the parking lot and half lap backwards.

We finished with a couple rounds of Mary.

Note: YHC noticed that Old Crow Medicine Show was not a crowd favorite for workout music. Upon switching to a Spotify Classic Rock Station the Purgatory PAX were much more cheerful and singing along. Noted.

Also Noted: Freddy Merkins were supposed to be Freddy Mercurys. Burlap noticed this workout excited Green Acres because he thought it was another version of a merkins to develop his weak arm muscles. Nevertheless, Green Acres has already been creating this new workout – “plank, then knee to the opposite elbow for 1, other knee to other elbow is 2, down for merkin 3, up is 4 in cadence”. Sounds good.

Also, also noted: the Russian Twist will now be known as the Ukranian Twist.


-Convergence on April 2nd

Prayer Requests

-Undertow’s friend

-Spamalot – dealing with stress related to upcoming move


Thanks to all who braved the elements of wind, rain, and cold. Thanks to @Lemming for the opportunity to lead.





1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    March 16, 2022 12:18 pm

    A good workout and lyrical BB! 👏. I will be sure to include your name on the Freddy Merkin patent. We’ll be rich! 😂

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