St. Paddy’s Day WIB

QIC: Turnover

Date: 3.17.22

PAX: Drama Queen (WD) , Zima , Van Gogh , Turnover (WB, Q)

YHC was excited to have the Q for WIB for the first time in a while. All of my previous WIB’s have been held at the Whitaker Square Harris Teeter and have typically been just plain awful. But this time, YHC was feeling particularly selfish and decided to schedule the beatdown for the Publix in Clemmons as YHC’s bible study meets at the Panera connected to the same parking lot on Thursday mornings. Sorry, I’m not sorry. Anywho, the big issue was that the weather report for Thursday morning was poor to quite poor. Or should I say “pour” like for rain…or for beers, cuz ya know…St. Paddy’s. I’m literally 3 sentences into this BB and I’m already going off the rails. Facts: 1) I Q’d WIB 2) It was St. Patricks Day 3) It was supposed to be raining. Ok, off we go.

YHC had planned to get an EC run in regardless of the weather. 3rd core principle baby. DQ, clearly miffed by the proposed distance/pace in the pre-blast, was undeterred and showed up for the EC run with me. We had a lovely saunter up to the hospital and on our way back picked up @Zima and @VanGogh who were wrapping up their pre-beatdown Murph. #beasts

We all arrive back at the pre-determined launch point, YHC grabs the speaker, and off we go with the WIB.

Quick WarmoRama with the Usual Suspects

The “course” was laid out similarly to a 3-leaf Shamrock as it is/was the official symbol of St. Patrick. Not the 4 leaf clover. #TheMoreYouKnow

Leaf/Station 1




Leaf/Station 2

Mike Tysons

Bonnie Blairs


Leaf/Station 3

Carolina Dry Dock

Monkey Humpers

American Hammers

“Stem”/Station 4


On the first lap we did 7 reps of each exercise at each station. Second lap we did 10 reps. Third lap we did 17 reps. 3 different sets, working up to 17…3.17, March 17th…you get the idea.

We all made it around the shamrock 6 times so worked up to 17 reps twice. The only station we didn’t get in was the 17 burpees at the very end. #Bummer


Convergence/Palin’s B-day/Recruitment beatdown April 2nd

Prayers for DQ and others running some crazy uphill race over the weekend

YHC took us out thanking Him for our blessings and for the reminder to turn our burdens over to Him.


We really lucked out with the weather. It was supposed to be pouring rain and YHC stubbornly kept the location in an area where there was literally no place to hide to keep from getting soaked. Thankfully the rain held off while we were out there. The ground was plenty saturated though.

Was great to get a run in with DQ. Great conversation and fellowship with one of F3WS’s finest Double Respects.

@VanGogh and @Zima did not seem the least bit fazed by their EC Murph. Just typing those words makes me tired. What a couple of animals.

We had some great MC during the beatdown ranging from @Zima’s questionable choices of attire for baseball practice, dog strollers, and what would various PAX’s walk-up/walk-out music be.

The highlight of the morning came during the 2nd round of Bonnie Blair’s where, amid @Zima’s chronic belly-aching, @Van Gogh actually COMPLIMENTED YHC’s form on said Bonnie Blairs. I was astonished, flattered, and honored to receive such high praise considering the source.  I’m still riding that high as I write this some 4 days after the fact.

Thanks to the #HIM’s that posted. Always an honor to lead. The keys are in a puddle in front of the Pet Supermarket, @Dr. Toot. Sorry.