Soft as a boiled tomato

QIC: Red Baron

Date: 3-3-22

PAX: Zima, Mutton, Dramaqueen, Palin, Dr. Toot, Snookie, H.O.G, Cherry Pie, BooBoo, Red Baron-Q

Well you couldn’t of drawn up a more glorious morning to workout outside, with the rising temperatures and the smell of spring in the air, WIB was set up for a treat. As I pulled into the parking lot to stage the workout and prepare my mind to really focus in on leading this great group I see HOG coming in from a little EC run, what a warrior this guy is. Then slowly The rest Followed. As sure as i was finished with the mission statement and 5 core principles the “Gum Slapping” according to Cherry pie began. Palin was off to the races, the banter back and fourth was relentless. We were all blessed with some great one liners…like “You are as soft as a boiled tomato” and “do you athlete?” Cherry Pie also hates Jack reachers almost as much as arm swirly things. Zima plans his week, just to make sure he can poke the Palin Bear..Snookie stayed back really working on his form and enjoyed himself with his own thoughts…and H.O.G was ahead of the whole group all morning. I think both had there reasons. At any rate we all came to sweat and get our hear rate up a bit and I think at least that was accomplished.

The Thang

Station 1

Inch Worm Push ups x 10

Wide Merkins x 10

Diamond Merkins x 10

Station 2

Bobby Hurleys x 10

Reverse lunges x 20

Monkey humpers x 20

Station 3

Carolina Dry Docks x 10

Jack Reachers x 20

Shoulder taps x 20

Station 4

American Hammer x 20

Low Flutter x 30

WWII x 10

Then run down the parking lot hill and do 5 Burpees and back up.

Repeat until finished

Announcements- Convergence April 2nd at Hanes Park
