Running the diamond with beatdowns at each base

QIC: Sea-Man

Date: 2/26/22

PAX: Ziggy Stardust, Huckleberry, Dr. Toot (WD), Cruiser, Adobe, Crypto, Ziffel, Sea-Man, Subfloor, Offsides, Van-Gogh, Harden, Workbench

13 pax beat the rain on a Saturday morning in Clemmons. This is how it began.
SSH 26
Abe Vigidas 5
Hillbillies 26
Michael Phelps 13
Arm swirly things fwd/rev 13 each
Overhead claps 13
The Thang:
Mosey around ROCC to identify bases for exercises. 1st base was by playground, 2nd base was by gated area with cinder blocks, 3rd base was corner where gravel turns to pavement and home plate was parking area where we start.
Round 1: 7 burpees and mosey to next base and repeat all the way around the bases (28 total)
Round 2: 7 burpees, 14 squats same routine
Round 3: 7 burpees, 14 squats, 21 Carolina drydocks same routine
Round 4: 7 burpees, 14 squats, 21 Carolina Drydocks, 28 Merkins. We swapped at first base to 7 burpees, 14 Carolina Drydocks, 21 squats and 28 merkins for remainder of round.
Round 5: 7 diamond merkins, 14 squats, 21 American hammers,
Round 6: 7 Mike Tysons, 14 squats at home and 1B and then sprint back to home.
Low flutters 26
Penguin crunch 13
Round robin merkins – all pax plank and Q starts with 3 merkins and each pax takes turns doing 3 merkins while all other plank until you complete circle. Then repeat with 2 merkins, then Q completed 1 merkin and it was time.
Ziggy Stardust brought the props per YHC request from VI last Monday and generously allowed us to reuse for drawing the exercise as we increased reps, he himself worked hard and did not cheat any reps! Huckleberry might not have Q’d as much this past week as he had the prior week but he sure was there killing it even after Super Maxx attendance and continuing with Alcatraz! Dr. Toot continues to command respect as the war daddy at this workout he was ahead of the entire gang with Offsides throughout the workout. Offsides also deserves major respect leading from the front on every round and giving it all. Great to see Cruiser out (he has been at lots of WeFoCo workouts lately) working hard! Adobe is also becoming a staple in WeFoCo and worked hard and killed the workout! Ziffel has been an Alcatraz regular lately and also was an attendee at Super Maxx and still gave what was left in the tank to Alcatraz and was phenomenal. Subfloor holds down a quiet yet intent, never going to cheat a rep and solid performance that can only command props! Van-Gogh helped keep our form in line and made it look easy! Workbench was solid and just head down kills every workout, appreciated him coming out! Harden joined me as a WeFoCo regular and worked hard and represented!
Always a pleasure,
Chris Cornett