Murphentine’s Day

Date: 2/14/2022

PAX: Burns, Van Gogh, H.O.G., Greenspan

4 for today’s Murph.

Weather: Cold, clear skies, big moon, one particularly bright star

Playground: Frozen, mulch had little to no give, layer of frost on all of the pullup apparati

Track: Clear and dry

H.O.G. started early & finished early, and is nursing an inflamed patellar tendon.  YHC arrived 5 minutes late due to having to scrape ice off of my windshield. VG & Greenspan started their reps at 0530, then we all ran the first mile together. VG finished his reps early and did abs while Greenspan & I finished ours, then we all ran the second mile together-ish.

VG has flatline tomorrow. YHC will be putting out OGs & Tractors routes for this week. There are a few events on the horizon including a blood drive this weekend, an upcoming convergence, and a benefit workout being led by VG.

Prayers for injuries, for my brother-in-law’s upcoming interview here in town, and for Giles & his family.

Zima, the keys are frozen to the swingset