Frisbee Golf in the Prison Yard

QIC: Schneider

Date: 2/12/22

PAX: Van Gough, Adobe,Subfloor,Cruiser,Offsides, Schneider

Warm up: SSH, Abe Vagoda, Whirly W/Clap,Michael Phelps,Arm Swirly F/B, Steve earls, Mtn. climbers.
The Thing: Mosey behind church to frisbee golf course. Take turns throwing disc. Perform set number of exercises until the disc makes it into the cage. Modes of transportation were lunge walk and toy soldier. Big penalty for hole in one. None were made so Penalty was never exposed. Exercises were 1st throw 5 WWII, 2nd 10 merkins and 5 WWII, 3rd 20 Peter Parker’s each leg and 10 merkins and 5 WWII, 4th 30 Monkey Humpers and 20 Peter Parker’s and 10 merkins and 5 WWII, 5th 40 SSH and 30 Monkey Humpers and 30Peter Parker’s and 10 merkins and 5 WWII. 6th 50 calf raises and  40 SSH and 30 Monkey Humpers and 30Peter Parker’s and 10 merkins and 5 WWII. We did not get past the Monkey Humpers, even on the extend hole that was deamed the playoff hole. The course was compleated (9 holes plus the playoff hole). Playoff hole had us at the block pile so why not. Curls for the girls, Bent rows, skull crushers, bench press, and Greg Louganis. At this point Van Gough wanted us to try out the new bars that were added at the pull up station so pax did at least one pull up or surpline. Mosey back to the vehicles for Mary.

Mary: Freddy Mercury,Mutton Crunch both sides, Penguin crunch, Body Destroyer.

Announcements: Some special event that Van Gough was rambling about so stay tuned to slack for a better announcement.

Bold drive next week sign up or get with d day

Greenest next week. Get with the singing Cowboy if you can help

Prayers: Adobe’s nephew battling with depression.