
QIC: Mutton

Date: 02/23/2022

PAX: Mutton, Chickflick, Lambchop, Root Canal, Snookie, Cherry Pie, Chomper

It was a dark and stormy night….So we Omaha’d to the parking deck across from Publix.

7 Pax stayed dry from the rain, but worked up a good sweat hustling up and down the deck.

It was really a simple work out.  After a few minutes of warm-a-rama and stretching, YHC instructed the Pax to divided into 2 groups for one 3 man and one 4 man grinder.  In between each set, there was a run up or down one half level of the deck.

Set #1 executed 4 times by each Pax;  Merkins and Squats

Set #2 executed 4 times:  Low Flutter and Freddie Mercs

Set #3:  Monkey Humpers and Lunges

Set #4:  Dips and Mutton Crunches

The Pax skillfully got in 4 sets of each rep and we finished right on time.

Apologies to anyone who showed up at Hanes Park.  I tried to get the word out early and often that a change of venue would be in order if it was raining particularly hard – and it was.

COT:  Prayers for the family of a dear friend of Root Canal’s who died unexpectedly.  Prayers for my brother-in-law and Lamb Chops uncle who desperately needs to get into a clinical trial that could save his life.  Prayers for Lamb Chop and Kelly as they go in a new direction in an attempt to conceive a child.

Lastly, YHC mentioned hearing Yoyo Ma (spelling) at Wake Forest last week.  The famous cellist spoke for about an hour and performed a few solos.  At the very end, the Wake Forest string quartet was asked to join him.  Before they began, he asked the other cellist to take his instrument and he would use hers.  It struck me that his cello is integral to his career and to lend it to a stranger, no matter for how long, was an amazing thing.

What do each of us have, which is incredibly important to ourselves, that we would be willing to share.  The girl that played his cello will have life long memories that will surely make her smile throughout her life.  A simple, yet wonderful gesture that left an impression on me.