Bring the Kracken

QIC: D-Day

Date: 02/12/2022

PAX: Crash, Green Acres(WD), Splash, Bluto, Burlap, Woebegon, Blood Sport(WB), Starfish, BAM, Woodpecker.


SSH x 15 IC

some stretching


Plank, low plank, Up dog, down dog, bring right foot forward, lift right hand to sky, back to plank and repeat sequence with left side.

The Thang 

Mosey to the rock pile pick out your favorite rock

The Kraken!!!

8 Stations/Legs around the circle by the rock pile.

Start at one of the legs 

First go around do the first exercise on the list then run a counterclockwise lap, upon retuning to the leg you started on pick up your rock and pregnant crab walk to the next leg. 

Second go around same but second exercise and murder bunnies instead of crab walk.

Third go around both exercises and 2 laps, carry rock to next leg.

Leg 1

20 Curls; 20 Overhead Press

Leg 2

20 Skull crushers; 20 Bus Drivers

Leg 3

20 LBCs; 20 American Hammers 

Leg 4 

20 Jump squats; 20 Goblet squats

Leg 5 

20 Lunges (10 each leg); 20 side lunges (10 each leg)

Leg 6

20 Merkins; 20 Mountain climbers

Leg 7

20 Bent over rows; 20 Chest press

Leg 8

20 gas pumps; 20 Heels to heaven

I think both Splash and Burlap finished the 3 rounds this time. Although splash left early to go “save lives”. Green Acres kinda did but instead of the double laps for the third round he just did more curls and other arm exercises with his NC rock

Put rocks away and slow moseyed back to the front.


Blood drive next Saturday. Splash needs your blood!! 

Come give your blood.

Bluto has the Q next week at Purgatory and it will be his birthday. 

Singing Cowboy will be Qing For Green nest.

So come workout, move some furniture and then give blood next Saturday!!

Go to the new Pickle Ball workout 2 pm Sundays at the 6th street Pickle Ball courts.

Prayer Requests 

Giles and Family have moved into a new house in the WFU area, a little more settled but still a lot going on for the family.

Keep Woodpecker in if you thoughts on Tuesday as he goes in for a CT scan, He has a history of cancer, but has been cancer free for 5 years. “Just a check to make sure nothing is lurking in the dark”

Green Acres asked for prayers for Sally one of the moms of his son who just finished up treatment for cancer, and rang the Bell on Friday.