Wookiefoot spotted at the Australian Open in Westeros

QIC: Crash

Date: 1/31/2022

PAX: Green Acres, Drip, Airbag, Lace, Ziggy Stardust, Frostbite, Crash

A cryptic preblast (trying here to paste from Slack, let’s see how that works) to announce what was coming this morning.

:ironthrone: :tennis: :cinder-block::runner::skin-tone-2: 15, 30, 40, 2-6 6-7 6-4 6-4 7-5 :chewbacca::footprints::notes::ironthrone::isi:

Wookiefoot music commenced

Warm o Rama

SSHx15, ISTx15, Hillbillyx15, Abe Vigodax10, FW ASTx10, BW ASTx10, Michael Phelpsx10


Large block launching from front of school

15 Merkins, mosey to corner, 15 DC Bonnie Blairs, mosey to corner, 15 H2H, back to start

30, 30, 30, large lap

40, 40, 40 small lap (just around island with parking spaces)

30, 30, 30, small lap – modify doing 2nd 30 at baseball diamond home plate and 3rd 30 up hill to end of parking lot by basketball court, then head to blocks and circle up.

15 curls, 15 oh press

Then begin the Nadal:

First set: Nadal 2 Medvedev 6, bear crawl forward 2 spaces and crawl bear backward 6 spaces.

15 upright row, 15 deadlift

Second set: Nadal 6, Medvedev 7, crab walk forward 6 space, walk crab back 7 spaces.

15 skull crushers, 15 chest press

Third set: Nadal 6 Medvedev 4, Hodor block carry backward 4 spaces, forward 6 spaces.

15 curls, 15 deadlift

Fourth set: Nadal 6 Medvedev 4, Suicides, run out 4 spaces and back, run out 6 spaces and back.

15 upright row, 15 deadlift

Fifth set: Nadal 7, Medvedev 5, Murder blockees, murder bunny out with block (forward) 5 spaces, turn around and murder bunny back with block (facing forward) 7 spaces.

Put blocks away. Just a few min remaining.

Mary (by blocks)

10 Alabama prom dates

Ring of fire, merkins in sequence around the circle, 3,2,1



It seemed sufficient.

Green Acres and Ziggy pushed hard throughout. Lace joined as we were beginning post warm-o-rama. Glad to have him push to make it out though he has family / dad responsibilities pre workout.

After the second set the fog of competition descended, the crowd was not in support and YHC needed suggestions for block exercises we hadn’t done yet. Frostbite came up with the chest press recommendation.

After the second set YHC was dehydrated and cramping and couldn’t come up with a mode of transportation. Frostbite again came through with the recommendation to do suicides. Great idea.

By the beginning of the 5th set I believe everyone was feeling something like Nadal did after 4 hours entering his fifth set. Crouched on the line those that needed got massages from their trainers, consulted with their sports psychologists and visited with friends and family and dug deep for the final stretch of murder blockees.

Drip was happy to have the music and wisely suggested it should accompany us at all times, YHC admits just forgetting as we ran away from the start the first time.

Airbag gave YHC a boost by HC’ing the evening before and Green Acres is a faithful presence at Iron Throne, there early and ran in and out. Sorry to add running to your running!

Announcements / Prayer requests

YHC has a rare 2 in one week Q, have the Q at TRQ this Thursday. YHC is thinking of bringing Trivia and Tabata to TRQ. Ziggy volunteered to send some questions along ahead of time.

Blood drive late February! Check slack and posts from D-Day.

Prayers for Giles wife and family and continued healing.

Prayers for Spicoli family and 2.0.

Prayers for the world and for the exiting of pandemic times.

As YHC checks slack we have a triple 7, 7 pax out to each site this morning. Strange when that happens!

Before I forget, Adobe has a VQ THIS WEDNESDAY at Mayhem, Jamison Park. Consider this your invitation, show support!


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