QIC: Mutton

Date: 01/27/2022

PAX: Mutton, Chomper, Greenspan, Palin, Off Sides

A total of 5 PAX ignored the cold and fart sacking for a very basic, but high energy, traditional WIB work out.

YHC pulled in on 2 wheels with seconds to spare, but we managed to start a brief warm-a-rama right on time while I explained the workout.

The Thang:
On a very plain 8.5 x 11″ piece of paper, 7 simple exercises were spelled out.



Freddie Mercs


Last Nights (formerly Alabama Prom Dates)


Hill Billies

The PAX was instructed to complete 5 of each (double count where appropriate) then take a lap around one side of the shopping center.

After each lap, take the count on each exercise up by 5.  After getting to 20 reps of each, the PAX was told to work back down by 5 reps.

BY my count, we made 6 laps and were able to go all the way up and back down the ladder; albeit adding an extra minute or two over the allotted time.

Great work by all.  Great to see Chomper out 2 days in a row after a 6 year siesta from core work outs.  Despite being a little sore from Conspiracy, he got right back into the flow.

Palin and Off Sides were clearly ready for duty and would have lapped the field had this been a Saturday workout.  Thanks to Greenspan and Chomper for looking out for YHC.

Despite the frosty temperatures, we warmed up fairly quickly after the first lap.

WIB is VERY under-rated.  If you are looking for a workout with just the right mix or aerobic activity and core, think about Flatline and WIB.  Lot’s of calories burned and it is you against you.

Thanks for the key Burns!

Announcement:  Blood Drive Saturday.  Sign up on Slack

Prayers for getting our day started so well and to be the examples out families, co-workers and Savior wish us to be.