Movement on the frozen tundra

QIC: Sea-Man

Date: 1/11/22

PAX: Wobegon, Lamb Chop, Dr. Toot, Sea-Man

YHC pulled in to the parking lot and got out of car and almost got back in because of the frigid temps. YHC stretched and waited on pax to show. Right as YHC was wondering if anybody was coming Lamb Chop, Wobegon and Dr. Toot pulled into the lot ready to go.

As instructed YHC launched at 0530 with no legitimate warmup.

SSH x 30

7 of Diamonds workout but YHC did not add to each round so it was modified. Mosey between all corners:

Round 1: Each corner of parking lot 7 burpees

Round 2: Each corner of parking lot 14 Low Flutters

Round 3: Each corner of parking lot 21 Merkins

Round 4: Each corner of parking lot 28 Squats

Round 5: 21 Fast Feet on the curbs at each corner

Round 6: 14 American hammers at each corner

Round 7: Each corner of parking lot 7 burpees

Moved to the top of parking lot and completed 11s with Plank Jacks on one side and LBCs at the other

Mosey around the outside of the parking lot on sidewalk.


Low Flutters – 15

Box Cutter – 15

LBCs – 15

Penguin Crunch – 15

Prayer requests – COVID is rampant, keep pax and families and all in prayers. Prayers for Lamb Chops friends having children.

It was a pleasure to Q and attend Flatline for the first time. Missed the site Q, Bevo, who was out with COVID. Dr Toot  worked heard and clearly deserves his double respect status. Lamb Chop reminded me that I did the workout wrong and should have added to each round but didn’t seem upset that I spared him the extra burpees. Wobegon brought the spirit of the Nantan and kept us all in line and worked hard.

Always a pleasure,
