Divining Cold Turkey

Divining Cold Turkey

QIC: Crash

Date: 11/24/2021

PAX: High Cotton, Workbench (WB), Huckleberry, Offsides (WD), Spamalot, Crash

6 pax rolled in for 5:30 cold workout the day before Thanksgiving. The weather app said 28 feels like 34. Not sure how that can be when it is dark out. We tried to stay warm. Avett Brothers tunes began and we were off.


Mission and 5 core principles, SSHx20, ISTx15?, Hillbillyx15?, AbeVigodax6, Forward ASTx11, OHClapx11?, Backward ASTx11, Mosey to take a look at the workout, then to rock pile to start.

The Thang

Grab a rock, stand in circle, 20 Curls, 20 OH Press, 20 Deadlift, then 10,10,10, 5,5,5, the rocks are pretty cold so that’s that. Put rocks back.

Cold Turkey: Spelled on the ground, flip a letter, do exercise on back. Cold is traveling exercises around smaller lot. Turkey is a progressive ladder of exercises moseying around larger lot where everyone parks.

Cold: Traveling exercise around small lot closer to shelter. Start @ long row of parking spaces, do exercise full length of parking spaces, mosey to other side, do exercise along parking spaces on the way back, mosey back to letters.

Bear Crawl lap, Dealers Choice lap (Huckleberry finished first, chose Karaoke), Lunge Walk lap, Hand Release Merkin Lap (HR merkin starting each end and doing 5 every 3 parking spaces)

Turkey: Progressive ladder. Flip letter, do exercise, run lap, adding another exercise each time starting from the top. Flutter kick 30, Freddie merc 30, Burpees 20, then 10, Mountain Climber 30, WW2 30, Donkey Kick 9.  Burpees were modified 20->10 after the first or second round of burpees, I think. Last round we did 18 of each in honor of YHCs older daughters 18th birthday yesterday, but with 9 Burpees and 9 Donkey Kicks.


Ring of fire starting from 6 down to 1, hold plank and do pushups in order.



Thurs Tomorrow Thanksgiving Day, 7 am, Speas, Convergence. Kid Friendly, Family friendly.

Saturday 6 am Supermax, 7 am Convergence Hanes Park, bring Canned food for Crisis Control ministries.


For all those traveling, safe travels. Prayers for gratitude and togetherness this holiday.


We stayed together today, and the MC was good. High Cotton taught YHC that car choice is 90%+ correlated with political affiliation. Was glad to see the Site Q Workbench and crew (Huck and Offsides) carpooling. What looked like we might have 4 turned into 6. Huckleberry said it sure was a lot of abs on the progressive ladder, and expressed his displeasure by throwing the Donkey Kick letter on the ground. YHC said we just do what the words say, Spam commented I was just a vessel, that is true, YHC just divines the workout. During COT YHC started prayer reading a Thanksgiving favorite, Psalm 100 from phone. Switching apps to do this the music came back on with some bluegrass fiddle and mouth guitar tune that the Avett Brothers covered, it was pretty funny, you had to be there. Great to have everyone out today. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.