Late breaking news at IS

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 10/23/21

PAX: Wobegon, Bloodsport (WB), Palin, ChitChat, Spicoli (WD)

YHC and my 2.0, #ChitChat, Co-Q’ed the original mothership #ImpossibleSituation.  About 2 minutes out from the AO, YHC had a “shift” in his circumstances.  Late breaking news, if you will.  Concerned but determined, we soldiered on.

Arriving precisely at 7:00 a.m., we were happy to see the shining faces of Palin, Bloodsport, and Wobegon.  Right away we got into the thang:


Warmarama: (All exercises in cadence.  Alternating between #ChitChat and myself on the count.)
Abe vigoda

Mosey to the track!  My 2.0 started out fast, but #BloodSport being who he is, quickly caught up and surpassed him. ( YHC pulled up the rear, aware that its not fun running with luggage.)

Soccer warmups led by #ChitChat:

Toy soldiers: Straight leg kick stretch
Cross body leg straight leg kick stretch
Open gate: crescent your knee outside

Mosey round lap to Tennis Shelter

Tennis Shelter for 7 layer dip.  Wanted to do this for Mutton and Lambchop, both MIA.  No Regurts!

Mosey to practice Tennis courts:

ChitChat calls for Shuttle runs aka Suicides! All except YHC were competitive on this exercises. Went 2 times through 3 station shuttle.


10 merkins, bear crawl, 10 squats, crawl bear, 10 WW II, inch worm (crowd fave),10 burpees, repeato

At this point YHC was struggling with a bit of “luggage” as we moseyed to the playground area.  Calling out the next 4 station workout around the playground, YHC made a run for the border to clear the ole chute.  It being light out and little tree cover, opted not to pull a @Whirly and invigorate the flora leadership in the community…

Upon return, did a little Broga and MOM


Can’t remember but space was made, and words were said.


  • Wobegon, our beloved Nantan, is instituting a strict “wear your underwear on the outside” policy starting in November and also something about getting more guys through EH, so look out on YammerTwitterSlack for the announcement.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!