Intimidator dora and tour of baseball field

QIC: Sea-Man

Date: 10/16/21

PAX: Sea-Man, Ziggy Stardust, Mutton, Triple Play & Flopper

4 Pax launched at 0700 for a quick mosey down to the track from parking lot at Hanes Park.


SSH x 30

Abe Vigodas x 5

Arm Swirly Things (F/R) 15

Seal Claps x 15

OH Claps x 15

10 merkins on your own

Apollo Creed (L/R) for 200M on track

Karaoke (L/R) for 200M on track


The Thang:

Mutton joined during the first portion of Dora.

Mosey around the track for a full lap, over the bridge and up the stairs to the bottom of the intimidator.

Dora up to Carolina on the Intimidator from the top of the stairs

50 Burpees

150 WW2s

300 Plank Jacks

400 LBCs

Mosey to the side of the baseball field and bear crawl around the practice pitchers mound (a bit gravely & dirty).

Mosey back to track for 11s:

Foxholes & Squats for the 11s.

Mosey back to start of track:



Low flutters x 15

Box cutter x 12

Penguin Crunch x 15

Merkins – All Pax plank and Q does 5 merkins and then each Pax does 5 around the circle, then Q does 4 and each Pax follows around the circle…etc… until 1 merkin completed by all.

Plank for remaining 45 seconds to 0800.


It was a beautiful morning to workout and relatively little traffic at the AO. YHC, YHC’s 2.0s Triple Play & Flopper, and Ziggy gathered just shy of 0700. It appeared the pre-blast with indications the Intimidator would be used scared PAX away as we were the only ones to launch. Part way through the first portion of Dora the Site Q, Mutton arrived to increase our numbers.

Ziggy Stardust worked hard as always and is always a pleasure to work alongside always earning his respect at COT.

Mutton put in solid work and prepped himself prior to heading to The Do School for plumbing trade skills teaching on a house later on.

Triple Play did not want to get out of bed but was the better for it by the time it was said and done.

Flopper was hurting from his previous day 6 mile run at XC but put in strong work and was better for it.

Announcements & prayer requests: The Do School kicking off today, come help out today or other days it is going on. YHC has the Q at Parliament on Tuesday.