Crab Hill

QIC: Bevo

Date: 10/13/2021

PAX: Crash, Splash, Ripple, H.O.G., Boomerang, High Cotton

These men can to work!


We did a sufficient warmup as we were going to us all of our body.

We then headed to the bottom of the Hill to Nowhere but grabbed a rock (size: something tough for 10 curls and flat).


we all lined up and I told them the (simple) Thang:  We are to do Pregnant Crabwalk up the hill, BUT we do it as a team.  If someone has to put their rock down or their butts hit the group, we do ascending Burpees. (Each time we stop, add 1 to the count). Took us some time for sure and we got to 8 Burpees!  Then to get back down, we walked with the rocks above the head…same penalty applied and we stopped twice to do one count of 9 and another of 10 burpees.


finished with 5 EMOM of Mary!


thanks for the keys Turnover!