Cinder Block party

QIC: Red Baron

Date: 10-2-21

PAX: Crash, Van Gogh, dr.toot, little piggy, Zima

This morning I decided to take Van Gogh’s advice for supermax and keep it simple!! We grabbed some cinderblocks and got after it. We also had the pleasure of welcoming an FNG, better known as Emilio! I gave the mission and principles, but Zima decided to put me on the spot with the Motto. I could not produce…Zima you are all knowing!! Also, Zima did the Iron pax challenge. He made sure to let us know throughout the workout as he complained about his soreness!! He got it done though. Thanks Zima!
warm a rama



Abe vigota x 6

Whirly w/ clap x 10

mosey to get cinder blocks

the thang

4 stations reps of 10 then adding 5 after each round

station 1


overhead press

skull crushers

station 2



block swings

station 3

bent over rows

plyo push up

around the world

station 4

american hammer




announcements- Lamb Chop has the Q at Iron Throne!
prayers- prayers for those who were suffering.

thank you for letting me lead!! Always a pleasure.