Facing some ups-and-downs in downtown WS…

QIC: Zuckerberg

Date: 09/24/2021

PAX: Woodpecker; Burlap; Winklevoss; Mongoose; JuiceBox; Wham-O (WB); Airbag; Sweet Tea; 5-Dollar Footlong; BooBoo; Bout Time; Mutton; Dr. Root/Toot Canal (WD); Lemming; Van Pelt; Zuck (QIC)

16 pax traversed the up-and-downs of downtown Winston-Salem this morning – both #OGs and #Tractors.

The plan was for a ‘flatter’ route, but YHC realized that running up-and-down the streets of downtown comes with running up-and-down the hills at the end of each road.  So, that part of the plan wasn’t really ‘as expected’.  That said, the other goal was for a nice downtown route – and that, I believe, was accomplished.  Not to mention, YHC ordered up some IDEAL running temps for the pax.  You’re welcome.

Here are the ROUTES



  • Saw the #UrbanAssault guys getting after it… AYE!!!
  • I think everyone was thankful for this morning’s temps.
  • I don’t think everyone was so thankful for the surprisingly consistent rolling hills.
  • Personally, I enjoy the occasional downtown run… it’s a cool place to be in the pre-0600 time.
  • Not sure if @JuiceBox Omaha’d and ran on Second Street?  To be fair, you technically run on it when you cross it.
  • YHC never saw @Lemming or @VanPelt – but someone vouched for them, so I’ll believe they were there.
  • Thanks for the keys, @BooBoo!


Praise and Prayers lifted up to Him… who can handle them a lot better than we can.


  • @JuiceBox is heading up an effort w/ a nonprofit that is helping rehab homes and neighborhoods in areas that could use some TLC.  There will be an opportunity to help kick this off and participate on OCTOBER 16th, and @JB would love an F3 presence.
  • @Wham-O reminded the group that the Ardmore RAH is also OCTOBER 16th  (Run and then go help @JB!)
  • @SnakeEyes posted (in Slack) that there is a need for drivers for the H.O.P.E (Help Our People Eat) vans.  Check out that post, and if you have that capacity – they would appreciate your help!