Climb To Remember – 20 Years Later

QIC: Bueller

Date: 9/11/2021

PAX: Tomahawk, Flopper, Sea-man, Red Baron, Subfloor, Ziggy Stardust, Superfly, Spamalot, Offsides, Boomerang, Undertow, Spicoli, Defribulator (Kotters???), Hooker, Total Recall, Pheonix, Lysol, Ziffle (brought FNG Andy), Starfish, Bullwinkle, Wormwood

Approximately 24 PAX joined another 250-300 people, to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11 twenty years ago.We had a  friendly new guy, Andy, brought by Ziffel in attendance who we decided not to name until he posts at a F3 proper workout.


We convened prior to 6 o’clock on the field, with our small group slowly growing in size right up until LTC Rubal began speaking about the day we were remembering. It was a poignant speech, hitting home the 2,997 lives lost and the men and servicewomen who have fought for our freedom since.


Following a moment of silence, we split up into groups of runners and walkers who headed to separate sections of the stadium, led by members of Wake ROTC.


PAX finished between 30 and 45 minutes later. Many men picked up the 6 and joined for extra laps.


The overall atmosphere was one of resilience and remembrance. Victims names were displayed on the big screen with patriotic music playing while we climbed. YHC was very grateful to be able to attend this year, and want to give a big thanks to Bueller and WFU ROTC for hosting such a great event.


Van Gogh