A Run to Remember?

QIC: Bullwinkle

Date: 9/17/21

PAX: Van Gogh, 60 Minutes, Sour Mash, Workbench, Harden, Sea-Man, and Dramaqueen

Everything is the week’s BBBC has gone wrong. Started with the site AO forgetting the YHC asked last week to Q.  That quickly fixed. After the Q figured out where to launch from he posted it on Slack. At that point everything went downhill. Everyone did not realise  the gates to Tanglewood park is open during the night. YHC knowing this decided to launch inside the park versus the normal launch spot, the dog park lot. The site AO even asked for YHC to drop a pin showing where the launch site is. Even after posting the run routes and the dropping a pin, Ziffel went to Bermuda Run. Van Gogh sent a text message out asking where the launch site was. Wonder how many other Paxs could not figure out where we launch from? Hopefully they are not running around Tanglewood trying to find us. 

For Q, YHC included don’t has a launch site inside Tanglewood. It’s hard teaching a old dog new tricks. They like their old pee spots, I mean launch spots. 

Everyone got in about 4miles.  Van Gogh, Sea-Man, Workbench and YHC did a wonderful 2 miles uphill run, we all had to take a few second break to catch our breaths at the end. 60 Minutes did not like the idea of 2 miles uphill so he and Harden went a different way.

Sour Smash and Drama Queen had a wonderful walk/run together. 




  • There are two VQ tomorrow, Code Red and Woodpecker



  • Sea-Man Grandma is not doing well. He’ll be going down to Florida next week to pay his respect. Pray grandma passes peacefully and safe journey for Sea-Man
  • Dramaqueen has two friend that are not doing well, pray for them as their life draws to a end



  • YHC is finally getting some answer on side pain from hernia surgery back in January, and foot having a foot operation in December for plantar fasciitis