The OG’s and Tractors DID run, way back on Friday AM

QIC: JuiceBox

Date: 7-30-2021

PAX: Yes
Despite walking around with a phone looking like I was recording something, I apparently wasn't.
There were in the neighborhood of 15 of us

There is nothing wrong with recycling a route, and that is exactly what we had here.
The last time the OG route was attempted Brookstown was closed under Salem Parkway, some of us tromped through the mud, smarter PAX took a detour. This time, someone managed to build an apartment building in the way… but everyone made it home.
DoubleWide by the skin of his teeth. Coming back from an injury, just his second run and longest distance since, he was in my care and I was sure he was right behind… but no. And in the detour around the apartment building he clipped a road sign and took a spill. But he made it, blood on the wrong side. I revoked Dr. Toot’s head start card last week and this proved to be the right call as he had no problem pulling me along for full distance.
There were announcements, Shmedfest, Swissmiss’ birthday, the usual stuff.
YHC led in prayer.
And that was that.