Supermaxx running with burpees

QIC: Crash

Date: 8/21/2021

PAX: Dr. Toot, Van Gogh, Ziffel, Crash

Ran today. Decided to employ a new strategy to keep the PAX together: at major intersections, pax in front do burpees until the 6 catches up.


16 SSH, 8? Abe Vigoda.


Run 3.1 miles. Bring gloves if you’re going to run fast. Do burpees while you wait for the 6 ~each kilometer at SW School, Holder, Pebble Run, and Valley Oak turns.

Intersections on the route were about a km apart, so about 4 good spots to do this. As it turned out, YHC was the 6 most of the run so everyone else did burpees.


Ring of fire starting from 5


Everyone was moving, was great to meet former FNG Ziffel. He was doing great.

Van Gogh, Dr Toot, Ziffel were stopping most intersections to wait for YHC. Including a couple bonus stops at the end. They probably got in a good 50+ burpees during the run.


Welcome to former FNG, Ziffel! Ziffel is from Poland, has a couple of kids, engineer, trained in Krav Maga among other martial arts. Van Gogh described the Shmed 500 reps, 1000 of 5 things… in detail… Ziffel said “and what’s after the Warm-up?”. He’s going to get along just fine.

Shmed next weekend. Consider participating and/or donating on behalf of those showing up at 2 am or doing the 5000 rep challenge. Bring family to 5k.

Prayers for Bullwinkle’s foot to heal.

Prayers for those in Waynesville.

Prayers for all of those fighting cancer, friends and family of PAX, and for the world in general, people in Afghanistan.