100% Effort and 110% Humidity at Flatline

QIC: Bluto

Date: 8/10/21

PAX: Bevo, Turnover, Root Canal, Lamb Chop, Honey Badger, Bluto

6 PAX converged on DTWS for epic humidity in the friendly confines of a parking deck.

We did some W-o-R stopping at each level in the parking deck on the way to the top.

Bluto had an IKEA cardboard box with instructions – here’s the recap:

Run 0.25 length of top deck and do 5 each of Merkins, Calf Raises and LBCs.  Run back to start, then 0.5 length and do 10 of each.  Back to start then to 0.75 length for 15.  Back to start then full length and 20 of each.

PAX did the same with CDD, Squats and WWII, then Crucible Merks, Jump Squats and Crunchy Frog, then Burpees, Donkey Kicks and Big O.

Moseyed back to the start for some Planks, an obligatory 11 Merkins per Root Canal, then 6 inches slowly to the gound.



Announcements – The Schmed and Schmedfest coming up.

Prayers – Growing families and those trying to start a family.

Trrbl humidity, but good company.


Thx for the keys, Bevo!

