Impossible Situation

QIC: Mutton

Date: 07/24/2021

PAX: Mutton, Drip, Spicolli, Lambchop, Palin, Cherry Pie, Boobob, $5 Footlong

8 Pax gathered on a very humid morning for a tortuous beatdown.

We started with a slow mosey around the Y to loosen up and finished at the main gate to Hanes Park for some warmara.

Since I am in a rush, it was your typical warm-a-rama + 10 burpees

While we were so close to the Intimidator, our first endeavor was to work our quads by running backwards to the top.  We stopped along the way for 32, then16, then 8 and finally 4 burpees at the top.  70 burpees so far and we were not 20 minutes into the work out.

Station 2 was back at the playground.  Each pax was asked to perform 25 reverse rows on the swing set followed by near crawling around the playground for 25 more.

We did this 4 times + 10 burpees

Continued mosey around the park to the corner of NW and Reynolda.  At the benches, we began with 7 layers of dip, + 10 burpees.

Time was running short so we moseyed back to the the tennis shop.  After a quick stop for 10 more burpees, we made our way back to the parking lot for Mary.

COT:  Prayers being answered for BooBoo’s brother in law, Keith Vest, who continues to show improvement after many rounds of chemo.

YHC’s brother in law and Lambchop’s uncle has had a T-cell extraction and in 4 months those T-cells will go back in his body and hopefully aggressively attach his Myeloma.

Sorry for such a brief write up.  It was hot.  It was humid, but everyone made it through with flying colors.  Mutton