Bring on the Merlot

QIC: Turnover

Date: 7.10.21

PAX: Zima (WD) , Subfloor , Suede , Touch Me Not , Turnover (WB, Q)

After a brutal SuperMax, the dust began to settle and it looked like YHC would only have 1 PAX that was up to the challenge for the double down. @Zima clearly stated that he had planned NOT to double down, but for some reason or another, had a change of heart. *Announcer voice: It was a decision he would later regret*

Just before 0700, we saw a strange, yet familiar Subaru pulling into the parking lot. After it’s operator carefully selected a parking spot that was doused in what little shade the lot had to offer, it came to rest. And then, smoothly emerging from the Australian automobile like Paul Walker (RIP) in 2F2F, @TouchMeNot appeared. Posting for his first beatdown in roughly 15 months, the assembled PAX were excited to see him. However, he was quick to temper our excitement with his expectations for himself: “I fully plan on throwing up today”.

Fair enough, I thought. At that prospect, YHC made an offer to the PAX they could not (and really didn’t have the option to) refuse: if @TMN did in fact spill merlot during the beatdown, we would halt said beatdown and go get some Bojangles together to celebrate. The deal was made, all PAX were in agreement, and so off we went.

Warm O Rama

The Usual Suspects including IST’s performed perfectly in cadence by at least 80% of those assembled.

Mosey to the front of the church for


First Up: 11’s

Burpees in front of the church

WW2’s at the top of the parking lot

@Zima made surprisingly light work of this circuit. Which led YHC to believe maybe he was sandbagging during SuperMax.

Next Up: Upper Body Circuit

Erkins, Derkins, and Dips performed in succession with no rest

11, 11, 11 then 10, 10, 10, then 9, 9, 9 and so on.

@Zima continued his bat flipping ways and beasted through these very easily. YHC’s arms had ceased to function properly, so we Omaha’d to skip a couple sets so we could all finish strong together. *Note: @Zima and @Subfloor did not Omaha and just powered through every single set like a bunch of animals. Strong work, boys.

Last Up: Reverse DORA

300 Squats

200 Bonnie Blairs (YHC originally called out that these would be double count….then we got through about 12 of them and I said “Lolz, hard pass. Single count, boys”.)

100 Box JumpsĀ 

Running out of time, so once both teams had completed the Bonnie Blairs, we moseyed back to launch for MARY, which no beatdown is complete without.

Popcorn MARY included the following:

Penguin Crunch (Cheesesteak Style)


Some H2H/Rocking Baby combo that @Suede came up with


Aaaaaand Done.




YHC’s tenure as site Q at Mayhem is coming to an end. Looking for strong candidates to pass the torch to.

Prayer Requests

TMN headed on a mission trip next week

Huck’s M’s friend w/ ALS

Fender’s M’s grandparents

YHC took us out


Big #Kotters to @Touch Me Not who posted for this first time since last March. If he was rusty, it didn’t show. My man put in some serious work and really got after it. To the disappointment of everyone, he did not spill any merlot, so we were stuck doing the entire dadgum beatdown. Thanks for nothing, @TMN. Great seeing you, sir.

On a related note, the Bojangles just down the street from the church has a sanitation rating of 86.5. Ask me how I know.

@Suede might be the best hype man in all of F3WS. The guy always brings a great attitude and is always pushing and encouraging the other PAX. YHC was a direct recipient of some of this hype during DORA. Great push @Suede!

As mentioned earlier, @Zima did not seem to be fazed by the double down. He was out front and dominating the entire beatdown. I guess, like red wine, Zimas also get better with age.

@Subfloor was our silent assassin today. No messing around, he just flat out got after it and barely broke a sweat. As previously stated, he wanted nothing to do with the Omaha during the upper body circuit and just powered through it anyway.

Great work was put in by everyone and we had some great MC and fellowship. Thanks to everyone who posted. Always an honor to lead.


1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    July 13, 2021 9:11 am

    Welcome back TMN!!!

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