20-20 Olympics Kickoff at Mayhem

QIC: Crash

Date: 7/21/2021

PAX: Airbag, Fender, Zima, Ziggy Stardust, Van Gogh, Dr. Toot (WD), Tweety Bird, High Cotton (WB), Crash


Over last week the idea started to bloom that the US Womens national team was going to be playing Weds am and the Olympics were starting on Friday. This was YHCs first time Q’ing Mayhem. I remembered workouts that Toe Tag did with running and tables and workouts written on paper by table that High Cotton did, and the choose your own adventure running vs exercise in place done by Van Gogh at a track at Hanes Park. So, an olympic exercise themed workout came together over the weekend mashing these together. Made an announcement at Iron Throne Mon and Parliament Tues. Zima asked if there would be a torch, so I fashioned one out of a 15 lb dumbell, an LED tea light and some velcro. He lit the torch and kicked us off after warmup. Put another light on a 35 lb kettlebell. We kicked off with the olympic theme and a loosely olympic inspired playlist with:


Mission and core principals recited along with a first half update on score of USWNT game. Sweden 1, US 0. SSH 16, Abe Vigoda 6, Whirly w/ clap 11, Arm Swirly Front 11, Arm Swirly Back 11, mosey to shelter.

4 pax carrying dumbbells or a speaker, everyone else grab a rock to share for workout which go to 2 weightlifting tables.


There were options for this workout, advertised as a workout you can do all the burpees you want, or none, run all you want, or not at all, or stay under the shelter and do the olympic workouts in place. Rocks go to 2 weightlifting workout tables.

Start at a table, do exercises, then run a circuit or go to next table. That’s the workout.

2 track options. Running only or running with hurdles.

1. 400m dash (20×20), do inner circle around walkway. Carry torch if one is available.

2. 110 m hurdles. 10 cones set up around inner circle of small parking lot adjacent to shelter, either mosey / run cone to cone, doing 4 burpees at each cone, or bear crawl between cones, doing 4 merkins each cone. 10 cones, 20-20, 40 burpees or merkins per circuit.

1 field / other olympic exercise option.

10 tables set up with 10 olympic exercises – do 10+10,20 or 20-20-20 (2020) (straight through or 2 sets of 10) each. PAX choose which two to do 10.

  1. triple jump – left leg step up, right leg step up, squat jumps
  2. high jump – irkins, heels to heaven, derkins
  3. artistic gymnastics – russian twist / american hammer, star jump, jane fonda side hip dip
  4. boxing – mike tysons, iron mikes, plank jacks
  5. diving – superman 10 sec, banana 10 sec, repeat 2x, carolina drydock 20
  6. cycling – penguin crunches, mountain climbers, freddie mercs
  7. sport climbing – mountain climbers, dips, shoulder tap
  8. trampoline – high knees, squats, box jump
  9. weightlifting 1 – oh press, curl, upright row
  10. weightlifting 2 – deadlift, skull crushers, squat thrusters

With 5 min to go we picked everything up, mosey to shelter,

Ring of fire – round robin count down merkins – Was going to start with 3 then 4, Van Gogh commented ‘but there are 5 rings in the olympic logo’ so we switched up to 5. Still, everyone was trying hand clap merkins by 2 or 1. We were right on time with 1 to go so we did the last 1 together and moseyed to COT.


The PAX always amaze me with their inclination to do the hardest thing. Multiple PAX commented they liked the open approach and choices, but many made hard choices: choosing to do a lot of burpees on the 110 m hurdle track – 80-100 or 120 for some. I think High Cotton and YHC each started a round of bear crawls and switched up halfway.

Airbag went for the burpees pretty early and I think did a couple laps. Said he appreciated the opportunity to run and took advantage. I think he learned a couple new exercises too.

Fender started early getting through the tables. With the free format, it was easy for him to quietly move quickly through everything and said he thinks he got through everything including field events just before we finished. Played Vangelis Chariots of Fire theme, good suggestion – sorry couldn’t get the Mr Bean version from the London Olympics!

Zima was the torch bearer carrying the olympic torch for basically the entire time. I think the first thing he did was a circuit while it was still dimmer outside. He complained when Van Gogh said we should start with 5 vs 4 or 3 at ring of fire and then of course did some hand clap merkins.

Enjoyed running the circuit with Ziggy, who got a little bit of everything today.

Van Gogh carried the 35lb torch kettlebell overhead out to the shelter, and who knows how much longer. I think also liked the open format so he could station at a couple of tables and get caught up on ww2’s and merkins. Also a couple rounds of burpees.

Always good to see Dr Toot who said he liked he ‘a la carte’, ‘buffet’ workout style also. Always enjoy working out together.

High cotton thanks for posting, and for the ideas. The workout sheets / cards your daughters put together for the last Mayhem you Qd that I attended, were an inspiration for today. High Cotton gets to work on Weds so did his sign out from the 110m hurdle circuit.

Tweety Bird got after it today also, thank you for coming out sir!


Softball this Saturday at 11 am, Hathaway Park!

Prayers for Snapchat and his family.

Fender – wife’s grandmother passed away previous evening, prayers for their family.

Ziggy – traveling soon, safe travels.