IS 5/29/21

QIC: Palin

Date: 5/29/21

PAX: Booboo (and picnic basket), drip, Spicoli, Lysol, palin

YHC had a great, detailed workout planned (maybe), but upon hearing that Drip’s 2.0 was working at Bobby Boy that morning, scrapped it all to go say hi. The group cheerfully moseyed along enjoying each other’s company, stopping at every intersection to perform an escalating number of reps of select exercises until we arrived at Lavender and Honey (oops wrong west end bakery) carry on and arrive at Bobby Boy. Race back to the start to finish just barely on time.

Smelled so nice, we opted to return for coffeeteria. Fun times had by all.

Apologies for late backblast, lack of detail, and general malfeasance.