
QIC: Mutton

Date: 06/29/2021

PAX: Mutton, Cheesesteak, Lambchop, Van Gogh, Palin, Dr Toot Canal

6 Pax showed up for a fast moving Flatline beatdown.  72 degrees and 90% humidity made for a particularly sultry morning as we left the parking lot sharply at 5:30 with NO warm up per Flatline rules.

Our first adventure was to head to down 1st Street ( I think  it’s 1st st) to the rock pile for 2 sets of the following.  Bent rows, Skull Crushers and Curls.

This was the last time we stood still as we headed back up 1st street to Corpening Plaza for a very simple, but painful set of exercises.

We started with 5 Burpees at one corner, 10 Dips at another corner, 15 squats at the 3rd corner and 20 Crunch Frogs at the 4th corner.  We followed this with a quick trip up the steps, around the fountain and back down the opposite steps to the first corner where we started over, but added 5 reps to each round. (10 burpees, 15 dips, 20 squats, 25 crunchy frogs)

This was a real crowd pleaser!

We made it up to 25 Burpees for a total of 75.  YHC has a hard time not getting in 100 burpees, so upon completing each of the other exercises at the last 3 corners, we all did 5 extra burpees.  90 total.

We had just enough time to make it back to the AO for 10 more burpees – 100 total- and 15 Mutton Crunches.

I was soaked as was everyone else.  Great group of men to be with this morning and we are all better for it.

Prayers for Jackson’s M having a few fertility tests today.  We all forget it is the “miracle of birth” and some have more difficulty than others.

We celebrated answered prayers for my brother in law Mark who has had multiple myeloma for many years.  His numbers look right for a new T cell treatment that will begin in a month.  He has never questioned his faith nor complained about his life.

Announcements:  Convergence Saturday at Hanes Park.  1st round at 6, followed by IS at 7.