“You got no legs.”

QIC: Bevo

Date: 05/05/2021

PAX: Land shark, Winklevoss, Bluto, Balco, Lace, Data, Airbag, Singing Cowboy, Toe Tag, Bam, Starfish, Rosetta, Woodpecker , Tinker, Lemming, Manscape, Zuckerberg and Tigger

So when the Q has an achilles injury, you should expect a healthy dose of arms!!!  And that is what the pax at B&W got.

Decided to kick it off with the unorthodox Michael Phelps, much to the chagrin of Bam.  Followed that up with some other deep stretches, pretty much to the point where some pax wondered if they were at Yoga.

When you wonder if you can actually Q a group more than 15 Pax, don’t forget that the basics are just as effective.  Today we were all focused on the Tabata.

The Tabata Timer was set at 45 seconds of work/15 seconds of rest.  Workouts were:

5 rounds of Curls

5 rounds of Wilt Chamberlains (2 rounds we just held the up position)

6 rounds of Single Arm Press (alternate arms)

5 rounds KB Swings (these sucked)

Recovery Mosey

6 rounds of Weighted Side Bends (alt sides)

5 rounds of WWIs (legs are straight) with Weight overhead

Finish with 5 Merkins on your own.

There were some tremendous form examples out there and I appreciate all the men supporting each other to become better!

Till next time men.