Pyramid Scheme at B&W

QIC: Sassy

Date: 05/19/2021

PAX: Tigger, Rosetta, Lemming, Manscape, Sweet Tea, Wobegon, Atrophy, Bam, Airbag, Lace, Balco, Bluto, Winklevoss, Organ Grinder, Poncho, Sassy

16 PAX embraced a recycled workout this morning at Bells & Whistles. Embraced is a loose term…hated, revolted, abolished are probably more proper terms, and that’s just what YHC thought of the workout. YHC touched base with Burns last night to let him know that YHC was going to follow through on his plan at The Distillery a few weeks back. It was a painful workout then, and it was even more painful this morning with kettlebells. The goal? Keep the PAX moving up and down the pyramid with appropriate running. It seemed to be a challenge for most (except Lace and Poncho, possibly even Tigger too), but all were better for it.

Abe Vigoda
Whirly with the Clap
Toy Soldiers
Arm/Shoulder stretches
Michael Phelps while YHC explains the confusing workout

The Burns Pyramid Scheme

10 “Bell”-ees – think burpee with kettlebell
20 Goblet Squats
30 Skull Crushers
40 Curls
50 WWII Sit-ups (some appeared to modify these to LBCs)

The Order (i.e. The Confusing Part)
Round 1) 10 reps, run 1 lap around the parking lot
Round 2) 10-20, run 2 laps
Round 3) 10-20-30, run 3 laps
Round 4) 10-20-30-40, run 4 laps
Round 5) 10-20-30-40-50, run 5 laps
Round 6) 20-30-40-50, run 4 laps
Round 7) 30-40-50, run 3 laps
Round 8) 40-50, run 2 laps
Round 9) 50, run 1 lap

YHC made it through 6 rounds, whereas most others appeared to be around the 7th-8th round while a couple finished the whole thing! Nice work!

Mutton Crunch
Penguin Crunch

Wobegon has the Q tomorrow at Double Dutch – thinking Leinbach Park based on the chatter this morning of prospective HCs.

Spam and Bam are leading the Blackbeard Challenge on Memorial Day. Check out Twitter and/or Slack for more details.

No spoken prayer requests.

Happy Birthday, Bam! Also, Happy Birthday to Sour Mash and Burns! Happy belated Birthday to Organ Grinder as well!

Atrophy is going to make a fine Site Q. Very encouraging this morning and it was much appreciated, even if YHC’s face didn’t show it mainly due to lack of oxygen.

Lots of “Ayes” in the Name-o-Rama this morning, YHC was close to being WB today, but I think one of Tigger or Poncho claim that prize…barely.

Rosetta wondered who tailed him from his neighborhood all the way to the Greenbrier clubhouse at 5:20 in the morning…very suspicious indeed, but thankfully it was only YHC.

YHC forgot what the 20 rep exercise was in explaining the workout to which YHC thinks cardboard was chucked at YHC…this follows the much maligned reading of the mission and core principles of F3. It was clearly a sign of things to come.

Always a pleasure Qing at Bells & Whistles. Atrophy, YHC hid the keys somewhere on the playground, good luck finding them!