Lunge Central at Super Maxx

QIC: Snake Eyes

Date: May 8th, 2021

PAX: Van Gogh, Bullwinkle, Suede, Drip, Crash, Higgins, former FNG "OTC", Huckleberry, Dr. Toot, and HOG

YHC started preparing for this Q with VG’s guidelines of “four total movements” top of mind. That said, one of the four movements turned out to be considerably more time of the workout than the others! I will let you guess which one that was from the title.


Secondly, this workout was specifically designed as a retaliatory beatdown for Huck’s thrashing a year earlier at the infamous hill behind Dash stadium. I was told I may need counseling before my next Q.


SSH – hands start at the top here fellows


Abe vagoda

5- merkins

Imperial storm trooper


overhead clap


copperhead squat



The Thang!

Go grab a rock, Huck grab a box with friends inside

4 Movements: mountain climbers, lunges, freddie mercuries, blockies

*Initial plan was ladder of 1 and 21, had to omaha later

One four count mountain climber, lunge thirty yards to median and 25 double count freddie mercuries, lunge another thirty yards to end and perform 21 blockies (box holder did not have to hold the box while doing so), then lunge backwards and repeat.



I liked organizing the workout to where everyone was together for chatter, fun times.

VG wanted to know if we were going to get warm soon- he cam a little underdressed, but I assured him we would.

Dr. Toot received intel that there was now an algorithm designed to track how many times Pax post, he was confident about medaling at the end of the year.

I wanted to get around to meeting two guys, one FNG (OTC), and the other Griffin (whose name is actually Higgins, not sure how I botched that consistently).

Both great guys, and nice to have them out.

Huck took the box first and last reps for the day, a real trooper.

YHC was calling for an omaha on blockies instead of 18, we would go to 9, but pax said it needed to be even, so 8 it was.


Announcements were Q school

Prayers: HOG move, bullwinkle family