Has it been almost a year?

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 05/15/2021

PAX: Splash, D-Day, Bulldog,The Pony Express, Bluto, Lemming, Ripple (WB), Burlap, Spamalot, BAM, High Cotton and Boomerang (WD)

When YHC was pulling together the beatdown for the week’s Purgatory, I went to the archived weinkes (yeah it was weird typing it too!) and found a beatdown from 5/30/2020, almost a year old, that we pushed through about the time they were limiting gatherings to no more than 25. At that time we just stopped counting at 25 so I guess we complied with Gov Cooper’s mandate.

YHC realized it would fit perfectly for the day and with a few tweaks the plan was complete.  Surprisingly enough a few of the PAX recalled the first time it was used, remembered hating it then and agreed they hated it today. So after the mission statement and a sort of round robin of the 5 CORE principles we were off and it went something like this.


SSH, IST, Arm Swirlies F and B, Seal Claps and OH Claps, Whirlies, 5 Burpees and Abe Vigodas.  Conversation was brisk around the spelling of AV, so I hope I did it correctly.

Mosey to the Lido Deck

10 Right Leg Step Ups, 15 Derkins, 15 Irkins, and 10 Left Leg Step Ups-Repeato

To the Rock Quarry, pick a suitable rock for high reps and chose a partner, mosey to the driveway beside the track.  The twins, Dora and Doracide, were in top form today as was the PAX and we were off.

Twin-DORA routine-With partner complete 100 Skull Crushers, 200 Curls and 300 Bench Presses. While partner 1 does exercise, partner 2 runs directed distance, returns and switches until all exercises are completed and return rocks to pile

Twin DORACIDE routine-With a new partner complete 100 Merkins, 200 Plank Jacks, 300 Squats and 400 LBC’s,  While partner 1 does exercise, partner 2 runs directed distance, does 2 Burpees, returns and switches until all exercises are completed.

Mosey back to the start for Mutton Crunches and 10 Burpees-DONE.


Q School took place while we had our beatdown.

Blood drive takes place 7/3, sign up and as Splash says, you’re not using it all! And something about the Pancreas, had to be there.

6/5 Convergence and State of F3 7am at Jamison Park, beverages and ____ follow.

Prayer Request:

Lemming asked for prayers for the Beyea family whose 10 year old daughter passed away unexpectedly last Sunday due to a severe nut allergic reaction. The dad’s comments to remember the 3 things that Emily always wanted 1) to make the world a better place 2) enjoy the simple things in life and 3) remember to keep the love in your own household and around you are works and actions we can all live by. Well said and thanks Lemming for sharing.

YHC took us out.

Mumble Chatter was light but appropriate this morning. How much running at bootcamp was questioned-6 miles? We did 2.5.

Good to see Ripple out and to get to partner with him and to get to partner with the Nantan, both strong partners.

And something about that Pancreas…

Lemming thanks for the keys, not sure which twin has it but I am sure they will place it near the rock pile. Strong Work Men!

1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    May 16, 2021 9:10 am

    The most shocking event of the morning was that Bulldog was the first Pax there. Patiently waiting in his truck.
    Great having Ripple back out. He continues to be a beast, clearly spending time throwing around the iron.
    Thanks to Boomerang and Bam for the partner work.
    Most importantly, thank you Lemming for sharing about your friend’s loss. His words ring true to us all.

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